
Da Nang leader sends Tet wishes to Consulate Generals of China and South Korea

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 02, 2024, 17:38 [GMT+7]

A group of Da Nang’s officials, led by municipal People’s Committee Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh, visited and extended Tet wishes to staff of the Consulate Generals of China and South Korea in the city on Friday.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh (3rd, left) presenting flowers to congratulate the 2024 Lunar New Year of the Dragon to the Consul General and staff of the Chinese Consulate General in Da Nang. Photo: T.PHUONG
Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh (3rd, left) presenting flowers to congratulate the 2024 Lunar New Year of the Dragon to the Consul General and staff of the Chinese Consulate General in Da Nang. Photo: T.PHUONG

Visiting the Consulate General of China in Da Nang, Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh wished all leaders and employees a happy, prosperous and successful lunar new year.

He voiced his hope that Chinese Consul General in Da Nang Dong Biyou will act as a bridge to promote connection and cooperation in semiconductor, tourism, trade and the opening of direct flights between Da Nang and Chinese businesses in the coming time.

For her part, the Chinese diplomat thanked the good and sincere feelings of the Party, government and people of Da Nang for China and the Consulate General in Da Nang.

Municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh (right) congratulating the Consul General and staff of the South Korean Consulate General in Da Nang on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2024. Photo: T.PHUONG
Municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh (right) congratulating the Consul General and staff of the South Korean Consulate General in Da Nang on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2024. Photo: T.PHUONG

She expressed her desire that the two sides will increasingly exchange delegations of all-level officials, and strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchange activities, thereby greatly contributing to tightening the Viet Nam - China friendship.

Wishing a happy lunar new year to the officers and staff of the Consulate General of South Korea in Da Nang, Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh hoped that cooperation projects between Da Nang and South Korean localities will increasingly reap more success in the time to come.

He asked for support from Consul General of South Korea in Da Nang Kang Boo Sung to appeal for more potential investors and businesses from his country to visit and learn about Da Nang’s investment climate.

In reply, Mr. Kang Boo Sung expressed his joy and thanked the city leaders for their special attention to the Consulate General.

He affirmed that he will continue to do his utmost to foster the development of the cooperative relationships between Viet Nam and South Korea in general, and Da Nang and Korean localities in particular, in the years ahead.

​Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
