
Attempts to reduce overload at waste water treatment plant

Published: December 26, 2013

The Da Nang Seafood Service Industrial Park’s dedicated waste water treatment plant is facing overload of the untreated waste water discharged from the park’s processing facilities.  Sometimes, in order to avoid operational problems, the plant is forced to stop receiving discharges and this is having a significant impact on production at local businesses.

To deal with this problem, some of the park’s companies have built their own waste water treatment systems.  Most of these, however, do not meet the city’s treated effluent standards, and they are causing environmental pollution and bad smells.

Employee of Hai Thanh Company at its waste water treatment plant
Employee of Hai Thanh Company at its waste water treatment plant

In an attempt to help the city authorities to resolve this problem, the Dutch company Witteveen Bos will implement a project to expand the waste water treatment capacity. 

Funded by ODA capital from The Netherlands, the project aims to ensure the smooth operation of the plant in the future, as well as to improve the monitoring of the waste water treatment performance of these businesses.

The monitoring of waste water discharges is expected to be implemented during 2014, as are the improvement plans and strategies for the project.
