
Businesses need to do more to win trust of local consumers

Published: January 06, 2015

An increasing number of goods sourced from China, Thailand and Japan have flooded the Da Nang market over recent years, and they have been very attractive to local consumers.  This will lead to tougher competition between domestic and foreign products in the near future, especially after the Association of South-East Asian Nations Economic Community (AEC) is officially established on 31 December 2015.

There are currently about 15,000 businesses operating in the city.  In an effort to enhance their competitiveness, local businesses will focus on ceaselessly improving the quality and design of their products and reducing their output prices.  In addition, importance will be attached to developing consumer services and conducting more customer satisfaction surveys.

Visitors at a local Vietnamese goods fair
Visitors at a local Vietnamese goods fair

In reality, the city’s business community is now in desperate need of more support from the local authorities.  More effective policies and solutions should be issued in order to ensure a fair and healthy competitive environment in the city.

The Director of the municipal Department of Industry and Trade, Mr Phan Van Kha, said that his unit will assist the city’s leaders in helping those who are in need of businesses premises to use for their production purposes. 

Special heed will also be paid to organising numerous trade promotion activities at home and abroad, and speeding up technological innovations at local enterprises.  In addition, stronger measures will be taken to fight against products which are counterfeit, fake, illegally smuggled, or of unknown origin.

