
Sharp decrease in seafood prices

Published: February 25, 2015

Thanks to the high volume of seafood supplied by fishing boat owners to Da Nang’s markets because of their unsold products before Tet, the prices of this type of food are now much lower than before the festival.

In particular, the price per kg of mackerel is now ranging between 110,000 and 120,000 VND, tuna between 40,000 and 60,000 VND, and cuttlefish between 100,000 and 270,000 VND, whilst silver scabbardfish is being sold at 150,000 VND per kg.

Meanwhile, the prices of eels and freshwater fish such as snakehead remain unchanged since the days before Tet.

Fishermen from Tho Quang and Man Thai districts recently headed out to sea for their first offshore fishing trips of the new lunar year.  They had bumper catches of tiny shrimps thanks to the favourable weather conditions over recent days.  As a result, the retail price of tiny shrimps is much lower than in previous years.  For example, the price per kg of tiny shrimps sold on shore is from 20,000-25,000 VND, whilst in local markets it is 40,000-50,000 VND.

