
Viet Nam food watchdog reassures consumers amid fake rice rumor

Published: May 22, 2015

The Viet Nam Food Administration (VFA), the country’s food safety watchdog, has asked members of the public to settle their nerves as a rumor about fake rice made of plastic is sweeping through several Asian countries.

The VFA is cooperating with relevant forces to verify the information and will notify the public as soon as possible.

A rumor of Chinese-made fake rice has circulated on popular social networks since early this week, according to Singaporean and Malaysian media.

A consumer buys rice at a supermarket in Ho Chi Minh City.
A consumer buys rice at a supermarket in Ho Chi Minh City.

The plastic rice is reportedly made from potatoes or sweet potatoes, with synthetic resin molded into the shape of real rice, according to The Straits Times.

The poisonous fake rice, which is also said to stay hard once cooked, is rumored to have entered many countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and Viet Nam, the Singaporean newspaper recently said.

(Source: tuoitrenews)
