
Hotel project fined for illegal construction

Published: May 11, 2018

The Da Nang authorities have asked the investor of the underdeveloped Eden Hotel project in Ngu Hanh Son District to dismantle its illegal construction items before 25 May.   

The Eden Hotel project in Ngũ Hành Sơn district of Đà Nẵng. The city asked the project owner to dismantle illegal construction items of the hotel, when it developed one more storey and increased the number of rooms from 96 to 226. — Photo courtesy Ngọc Long Read more at http://vietnamnews.vn/society/427730/hotel-project-fined-for-illegal-construction.html#Js0B7EX8RUpzd8ed.99
The Eden Hotel project in Ngu Hanh Son District. The city asked the project owner to dismantle illegal construction items of the hotel, when it developed one more storey and increased the number of rooms from 96 to 226. — Photo courtesy Ngoc Long

Alongside, 90 million VND (4,000 US$) in fine was imposed on the project owner, the Minh Thuy construction company, for their violations.

According to an inspection team from the municipal Construction Department, the Eden Hotel, which is part of the Royal Era 1 Apartment and Trade Complex, was planned with 23 storeys (with a combined total of 96 rooms) including a basement in 2016. However, the project owner intentionally developed one more storey and increase the number of rooms to 226 by January 2018.

The construction progress of the hotel project was then stopped by the inspection team.

The project owner submitted adjustments to the design, but the city authorities rejected the revised plan.

Earlier, the city also fined the Empire Group, owner of the CocoBay entertainment complex 40 million VND (1,800$) for developing a building without a construction licence.

In 2016, the city also suspended illegal construction at the 42-storey Muong Thanh Apartment project in Ngu Hanh Son District when the investor changed designs of a kindergarten and parking area into 104 apartments for sale.

In January 2018, the owner of The Song - Da Nang Beach Villa project was fined 100 million VND(4,400$) for an illegally enlarged beach resort in Ngu Hanh Son District.

Representatives from the city authorities have been in negotiations with 33 beach resort project owners to make sure they will open more footpaths allowing public access to local beaches.

(Source: VNS/ DA NANG Today)
