
City boasts great potential for becoming logistics hub in central region

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 25, 2019, 11:16 [GMT+7]

During the recent Viet Nam Logistics Forum 2019 in Da Nang, some logistics experts affirmed that Da Nang has great potential for promoting the development of the logistics industry and becoming a logistics hub in central region.

Loading cargo at the Tien Sa Port
Loading cargo at the Tien Sa Port

In particular, the city boasts its favourable geographic position of being the endpoint and being the Pacific gateway for the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) which connects central Viet Nam with Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar, plus Malaysia, and Singapore.

Also, the municipal authorities have been focusing on developing logistics services and improving logistics infrastructure across the city over recent years.

In his remarks at the forum, municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh revealed that under a master plan for the development of the city’s logistics industry by 2030, with a vision towards 2045, a regional-level and 4 provincial-level logistics centres would be built in the city.

In detail, the soon-to-be-developed Lien Chieu Port will serve as a regional-level logistics centre. Meanwhile, the 4 provincial-level logistics centres will be built in Hoa Vang District’s Hoa Nhon Commune, at the Kim Lien cargo railway station, at Da Nang International Airport, and in the Hi-tech Park.

Mr Le Quang Trung, Deputy General Director of the Viet Nam National Shipping Lines, underlined the importance of building a new and modern seaport in Da Nang because the Tien Sa Port will be turned into a modern container and cruise ship port.

Chairman of the World Business Logistics Network Anis Khan said that Da Nang has many advantages for becoming a major logistics hub in the central region. He, therefore, highlighted the necessity for Da Nang to learn from experiences of localities nationwide and worldwide boasting the growth and deep integration in the global logistics arena.

Mr Mai Van Quang, Chairman of the central regional branch of the Viet Nam Logistics Businesses’ Association, remarked that Da Nang is blessed with a favourable geographical position and modern infrastructure.

Chairman Quang stressed the need for Da Nang to fully tap potential of EWEC route to ensure the smooth cargo transportation between countries along the route  in order to realise the city’s goal of becoming a logistics hub in central region.

By KHANH HOA - Translated by MAI DUNG
