
Community-based tourism project promises facelift for Nam O village

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 30, 2019, 11:04 [GMT+7]

The Nam O community-based tourism project in Da Nang’s Lien Chieu District is highly expected to fully tap the location’s great advantages and potential to create new tourism products, hereby, diversifying types of services and utilities for the public interests.

A total of 25.7 billion VND from the city budget will go to the implementation of much-awaited project, with a focus on fully tapping tourism potential of this place in combination with conserving heritage, advertising fishing village practices and products to tourists, and facilitating local residents to tout for business from tourism activities. 

 Lien Chieu District-based Nam O boasts great eco-tourism development potential
Lien Chieu District-based Nam O boasts great eco-tourism development potential

The project will comprise the Nam O Bay and the adjacent residential community of Hoa Hiep Nam Ward, Lien Chieu District, all of which cover a total area of about 115 hectares, especially including parts of the Trung Thuy Group – developed the Nam O Lancaster Resort.

It is known that the project is highly feasible thanks to its main advantages in terms of natural landscape, relics, traditional craft villages and local cuisine.

Besides favourable conditions created by the city’s tourism industry to increase the involvement in offering tourism services to visitors, some typical tourism products will be added to the project.

Notable amongst them are tours to admire the charming sunrise and sunset over Nam O Bay from coracle boats, swim at Nam O Beach, and visit such unique cultural and architectural relic sites as square wells, a worship place dedicated to the souls of the fallen Vietnamese revolutionary soldiers in their struggle against the French forces in the years of 1858,1859, and 1862, and a temple dedicated to Goddess Lieu Hanh, one of four immortals in Vietnamese legends.

Also, visitors will have a chance to explore local culture, visit time-honoured traditional craft villages and enjoy Nam O specialities, take photos at Nam O Reef, have pleasant homestay experiences with the locals, visit mural villages, and walk around the Nam O Reef for relaxation.

Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Hong An highlighted the significance of offering visitors memorable experiences in tandem with protecting the natural environment.

 If invested, the Nam O community-based tourism project will bring a ‘new coat’ to this coastal fishing village and offer business opportunities for villagers. Here is a corner of the Nam O fishing village.
If invested, the Nam O community-based tourism project will bring a ‘new coat’ to this coastal fishing village and offer business opportunities for villagers. Here is a corner of the Nam O fishing village.

Mr Nguyen Duc Thanh, the Strategic Director of the Trung Thuy Group, affirmed that, besides its Nam O Lancaster Resort, an ecotourism cluster around the Nam O Reef which includes rest stops, the Snail Museum and coracle boat tours will be developed.

In particular, on display at the Snail Museum will be products related to sea snails, and handicraft products made from slow moving marine gastropod molluscs.

“We are looking forward to developing Nam O into an inviting place in the city associated with the proper exploitation of the nature and cultures, and making this site a “do not miss” place in tour itineraries”, affirmed Thanh.

Municipal Tourism Department Director Truong Thi Hong Hanh proposed that the Trung Thuy Group send a written request to the city administration about its investment in which parts of the project.

Meanwhile, it is necessary for the Lien Chieu District authorities to work closely with functional bodies to create a specific plan with a heed paid to clearly identifying the projects progress, how soon-to-be-created tourism products managed, and other related issues.

By THU HA- Translated by ANH THU
