
Investment in Da Nang's high-tech agriculture projects welcomed

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 01, 2020, 17:51 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang government is welcoming domestic and foreign investors to pour money into high-tech agriculture projects in Hoa Vang District.

These projects are a hi-tech agricultural production area in the communes of Hoa Khuong and Hoa Phong covering a total area of 162,137m2, a 288,395m2 hi-tech agricultural production area in Hoa Khuong Commune, and a 209,023m2 hi-tech agricultural production area in Hoa Phu Commune.

The Da Nang government has issued many preferential policies to support domestic and foreign businesses to invest into the city’s high-tech agriculture sector.

In particular, investors will receive funding from the city government at 50% of the total costs of site clearance work at a maximum of 3 billion VND per project, not more than 2 billion VND per project for infrastructure development for production purposes, and not exceeding one billion VND per project for the development of hi-tech agricultural production. 

Also, investors will have the opportunity to access bank loans of 10 billion VND per project at zero interest rate within 3 years.

By PHUONG UYEN - Translated by MAI DUNG
