
Da Nang steps up efforts to develop modern agricultural value chains

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 27, 2020, 14:01 [GMT+7]

The modernisation of agriculture, development of organic products and competitive and value-added products are at the heart of ambitious strategies for Da Nang. Most important priorities are ensure sustainable food and agriculture for people across Da Nang. It is highly hoped that, one day, the city would pride itself on cutting-edge agriculture which will be highly automated and computerised.

Hi-tech agriculture has attracted the active participation of the private economic sector.  Farmers are pictured harvesting hydroponic lettuce at GreenTech Farm located in Hoa Khuong commune, Hoa Vang District
Hi-tech agriculture has seen active involvement of private economic sector. Farmers are pictured harvesting hydroponic lettuce at GreenTech Farm located in Hoa Khuong commune, Hoa Vang District

In April, the Da Nang government issued new polices to promote modernisation in agriculture in parallel with the upgrading of rural areas across the city.

Rural Hoa Vang District will focus on promoting the so-called ‘One Commune One Product’ (OCOP) model, under which one or a small number of unique products are create so as to be more competitive in the domestic and foreign markets.

The OCOP model made its debut in 2008 in Viet Nam, following the model of Japan-initiated ‘One Village, One Product’ and Thailand-developed ‘One Town, One Product’.  It is an economic development programme for rural areas focusing on increasing internal power and values, which is also meant to help with the national target programme on upgrading rural areas.

Da Nang is open to domestic and foreign investment, and it welcomes investment in 7 hi-tech agricultural projects, covering hundreds of hectares in total, for the 2020 – 2025 period.

In attempting to attract more investment into these agricultural projects, the Da Nang authorities have developed numerous preferential policies for investors.

In particular, investors are funded 50% of the site clearance costs, with a maximum of 3 billion VND per project, and 50% of the expenses on production infrastructure construction, with no more than 2 billion VND apiece.

The Hoa Vang District authorities prioritise accelerating the dedicated Hoa Ninh Hi-tech Agricultural Zone project in the namesake commune.

Also, the Da Nang government has approved the detailed 1:500 planning maps for the construction of other ‘green agriculture zones’ boasting multi-layer greenhouses in the communes of Hoa Phong, Hoa Khuong, and Hoa Phu, all of which are totally consistent with the city's master plan and its strategies for the upgrading of rural areas.

In such zones, farmers will no longer be subject to hostile weather or left to the mercy of Mother Nature as their forefathers were. They will, instead, maneuver with ease different kinds of agricultural machinery.  The safe, clean greens would then be heartily embraced by people across Da Nang, who will be free from worries of consuming vegetables with chemical and pesticide residues and the associated health risks. 

Furthermore, locally-grown produce will be distributed to elsewhere in the country, helping local farmers produce a substantial income and boosting their reinvestment for further growth.  It is also of critical importance that farmers will also be introduced to tap into the high efficiency of computers, smartphones and tech apps to boost hi-tech agricultural growth.

The Da Nang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has asked for approval from the municipal administration to map out detailed plans for the setting up of the Truong Dinh high-tech shrimp farm, which is expected to cover a large area of 50 ha, with the aim is to promote hi-tech, intensive shrimp farming with biosecurity.

In addition to the self-effort and internal strengths of businesses operating in hi-tech agriculture, it is high time for the national and municipal governments to issue more incentive and preferential mechanisms regarding on access to loans and land resources, as well as assisting farmers in seeking consumer markets for their products. 

By VAN HOANG, KHANH HOA- Translated by A.T
