
Stores offer free food and essentials for immigrant students in Da Nang during pandemic

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 30, 2020, 12:35 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang Youth Union opened a ‘zero-VND Happy supermarket’ chain across the city on 27 August in a bid to provide free food and essential support for immigrant students in the city during the coronavirus pandemic.

Students getting free food and essentials at the ‘zero-VND happy supermarkets’
Students picking up groceries at a 'zero-VND' store 

Initiated by Mr Tran Tri Thuc from the Da Nang University of Technology and Education, the stores aim to provide immigrant students in Da Nang, who are unable to return home due to travel restrictions imposed by Da Nang government to respond to a second wave of Covid-19 infections, with in-kind support in an effort to help them ease economic hardships during their stay in the city. The stores are distributing without charge food and essentials, including instant noodles, milk, cakes, rice, eggs, washing powder, toilet paper and toothpaste.

The operation of the stores has received active support from generous philanthropists citywide and the 'Ban Huu Duong Xa' Club.

The stores are operating at the University of Technology and Education located at 48 Cao Thang Street, the University of Economics at 71 Ngu Hanh Son Street, the Architecture University at 566 Nui Thanh Street, and the Junior College of Economics at 143 Nguyen Luong Bang.

Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao from the Da Nang Youth Union, said that each student, who visits the zero-dong supermarkets, is allowed to choose and buy some products on supermarket shelves for zero dong. 

Ms Thanh remarked that the Da Nang Youth Union would continue its effort to call on generous individuals and organisations to give more cash and in-kind support in a bid to to help immigrant students in Da Nang get through this crisis.

By HUYNH LE - Translated by M.D
