
Key Da Nang projects kicked to higher gear

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 05, 2021, 15:22 [GMT+7]

Da Nang is concentrating on pushing the progress of its key projects. Construction sites of these projects have seen a busy, bustling working atmosphere as all of the workers have been racing against time to speed up the deployment tempo after stagnations mainly triggered by the COVID-19 crisis and harsh weather conditions raging the past year in a bid to meet the city’s urgent requirements on investment attraction and socio-economic development.

Construction units are striving to shorten the time to complete the construction of the ICT1 building by 31 December 2021, 8 months ahead of schedule set in the project’s construction contract.
Construction units are striving to shorten the time to complete the construction of the ICT1 building by 31 December 2021, 8 months ahead of schedule set in the project’s construction contract.

Hundreds of workers have worked around the clock every day at the construction site of the Da Nang government-funded 800 billion VND Da Nang Software Park No 2 project, which facades onto Nhu Nguyet Street, Thuan Phuoc Ward, Hai Chau District.

Developed by Da Nang Management Board of the Industrial and Civil Engineering Construction and Investment Projects, the project will comprise office buildings with a total gross internal floor area of more than 71,000m2.

Work commenced on this key project on 10 October, 2020, and it is expected to reach completion on 31 August, 2022.

Till date, after more than four months of construction, construction units have basically completed the foundation of the 20-storey ICT building block and floor beams of the 3rd floor of the ICT1 block. Also, the foundation and floor beams of the ground floor of the 8-storey ICT2 block have reached completion. 

Construction units are striving to shorten the time to complete the construction of the ICT1 building by 31 December 2021, 8 months ahead of schedule set in the project’s construction contract. The ICT block’s major construction work is expected to be completed by 12 September, 2021, and the acceptance testing is slated to be conducted by 3 August, 2022. The ICT2 building block is scheduled to reach completion on 5 August, 2022.

Likewise, enthusiastic working atmosphere was seen at the construction site of upgrading and expanding Tho Quang fishing wharf in Son Tra District.

“We are directing contractors to focus on accelerating construction to complete the whole project by late 2021, instead of in mid-2022 as previously planned', Deputy Director of the Management Board of the Da Nang Agricultural and Rural Development Projects Nguyen Anh Tuan said.

As for the 1st stage of the Hoa Lien Water Plant in Hoa Bac and Hoa Lien communes, Hoa Vang District, only 40% of the construction volume has been completed, Mr Luong Thach Vy, the Head of the Management Board of the Da Nang Priority Infrastructure Investment Projects, the investor of the water plant project.

It is expected that all technological equipment imported from foreign countries will arrive in time to serve the project within the rest of March and April, 2021.

As planned, the plant with a daily capacity of 120,000m3/day will be completed, and put into use by October.

The 1st stage of the project features the building of a 13,606m2 reinforced concrete spillway on the Cu De River, and a 727m2 raw water pumping station.

“This work is of special significance in ensuring clean water supplies for homes and businesses in Da Nang, helping ensure the long-term water security in the city. We will do our best to complete the whole project on schedule, with construction quality ensured”, Mr Le Sy Tien, Deputy General Director of the Song Da 9 Joint Stock Company, one of the water plant project’s contractors remarked.

By HOANG HIEP – Translated by A.T
