
Da Nang administration stays tough on violations committed by Monarchy project

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 26, 2021, 16:09 [GMT+7]

The block B of the Monarchy Da Nang project on Tran Hung Dao Street, An Hai Tay Ward, Son Tra District, developed by the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC, has been found being put into use without competent bodies’ official acceptance testing nor the guaranteed legality in the aspect of real estate business. It is worth mentioning that, for a long time, the project’s developer has still ignored instructions and warnings released the municipal authorities.

The block B of the Monarchy Da Nang project on Tran Hung Dao Street, An Hai Tay Ward, Son Tra District, developed by the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC, has been found being put into use without competent bodies’ official acceptance testing
The block B of the Monarchy Da Nang project on Tran Hung Dao Street, An Hai Tay Ward, Son Tra District, developed by the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC, has been found being put into use without competent bodies’ official acceptance testing

The Monarchy project was granted a land use right certificate by the municipal People's Committee on December 27, 2010, and then received a construction permit from the Department of Construction on October 25, 2012.

The whole project consists of the 15-storey block A and the 26-storey block B. During the project implementation, block A is legally guaranteed by the developer and totally eligible for the sales of apartments. However, consecutive violations were unclosed at block B.

In 2018, although block B was under construction, the developer still launched the sales of apartments.

On December 26, 2018, the Inspector of the Department of Construction booked the project with a record an administrative violation.

On December 29, 2018, the municipal People's Committee approved the imposition of VND275 million in fines on the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC headquartered at 38 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street, Thach Thang Ward, Hai Chau District for signing apartment sales contracts without a written notice of eligibility.

Then, on March 1, 2021, the municipal People's Committee levied a fine of VND285 million on the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC for putting apartments into use without competent bodies’ official acceptance testing.

Despite being subject to the aforementioned administrative violations, the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC ignored the city’s instructions and still sold unqualified apartments to its customers.

Till date, 241 unqualified apartments in the 34-storey block B have been used by a total of 313 residents, including 203 foreigners.

Therefore, as per request by the Son Tra District authorities, all residents living in the block B had to move out of these apartments within 30 days, starting from May 11. After 30 days, if the people living in block B have yet to be relocated, the Son Tra District authorities will require the project’s developer to take measures to displace them.

In case the developer fails to obey this order, the municipal government will handle the violation in line with Vietnamese laws.

The project’s developer must contact the competent authorities for the acceptance testing of the work items in accordance with the law and bear full legal responsibility for any problems related to the Monarchy.

The district’s functional agencies will continue to inspect the Da Nang Housing Investment Development JSC’s observance of the administrative sanctions levied by the municipal government for its violations.

According to the regulations, the State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection under the Ministry of Construction will inspect the pre-acceptance test of the above-mentioned work items.

The municipal Department of Construction has asked the project’s developer to comply with requirements on investment, land use, construction, environmental protection, fire prevention and other relevant legal provisions, and conduct capital mobilisation and real estate business activities in accordance with the Vietnamese laws.

On May 24, the Standing Board of the municipal Party Committee requested functional local agencies to verify information related to violations detected in the Monarchy project. Any violations must be subject to strict penalties in line with the laws and the handling results shall be submitted to the Standing Board of the municipal Party Committee.

For the time being, customers dwelling in the above-mentioned unqualified apartments are now “sitting on pins and needles” because of the project developer mistake, and facing difficulties in housing if they have to be relocated.

A female resident said that in the past few days, she and other “victims” have managed contacted the project’s developer, but they refused handling issues related to the rights and obligations of the parties as prescribed in the sign sales contracts.

Reporting by TRIEU TUNG- Translating by A.T
