
Da Nang business community gives strength to the city to combat COVID-19

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 26, 2021, 10:49 [GMT+7]

Whilst Da Nang is racing against time to tackle a new wave of COVID-19 infections, its business community has been active in supporting the city's efforts to contain the coronavirus in its own way.
Over the past few days, businesses headquartered in Hai Chau District have given lots of kind support to the city’s frontline forces in the tough fight against the current COVID-19 resurgence.

Employees of the 4U Farm - Oganic & Green Food Co., Ltd prepare good quality meals for the staff members of CDC Da Nang Photo: DIEP NHU
Staff of the 4U Farm - Oganic & Green Food Co., Ltd prepare good quality meals for the staff members of CDC Da Nang Photo: DIEP NHU

As soon as first locally transmitted cases were registered in the city, the Hai Chau District Enterprises’ Association has made appeals for generous cash and in-kind donations from all member businesses in a bid to give more strength to the city to contain the outbreak.

Despite adversely affected by the virus resurgence, many businesses have showed their readiness and enthusiasm to make specific and practical contributions.

Notable amongst them were Son Hai International Investment Consulting Co.,Ltd, Thien Minh, Tam Vinh Thai and Mai Anh companies, Intimex JSC, Trung Khoa Co., Ltd., and Thien Nhan Centre for High-tech Medical Diagnosis.

As one of the active donors for the city’s COVID-19 fight, the 4U Farm - Oganic & Green Food Co., Ltd has offered nutritious meals to the staff members of the Da Nang Centre for Disease Control (CDC Da Nang) who faced high work pressure in speeding up COVID-19 sampling and testing.

It is known that about 120 sets of meals worth VND35,000 -  VND40,000 each are offered to CDC Da Nang staff members each day.

This meal provision initiative started in mid-May and is expected to run until the city’s all business activities resume normal operations.

It is estimated that the total cost to run this highly impractical program is more than VND100 million.

“During this tough time, most businesses, especially accommodation and F&B service businesses are facing many difficulties triggered by the virus resurgence. However, I think that joining hands and giving spiritual and material support to frontline forces is a must-do. We hope that the meals we donate will contribute to easing financial burden shouldered by the city”, said Mr. Long.

“We look forward to accompanying the city to overcome the current difficult situation, and bringing up the ‘rear’ in a bid to create confidence for the frontline forces in the COVID-19 combat”, said Mai Anh Duc, Director of Thuan Thien Vuong Trading & Service Co., Ltd, which donated 250 liters of antiseptic solutions to CDC Da Nang and other competent local agencies.

Recently, Hai Chau District has seen the setting up of the so-called “self-quarantine sites” and checkpoint where functional forces staff around the clock. Fully aware of their hardship and difficulties on duty, members of the Hai Chau District Enterprises’ Association visited and handed out necessities such as instant noodles, milk, drinking water, medical masks and disinfectants to these forces.

Besides, some domestic benefactors also supported automatic disinfection machines for 95 election teams across the district at the recent elections for the 15th National Assembly (NA) and People's Council at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure.

Vice Chairwoman of the Hai Chau District People's Committee Phan Thi Thang Loi highly lauded the districts’ businesses, and ones across the city at large for giving more strength to the city’s efforts to contain the virus spread through their highly practical and timely support deeds and programmes.

Reporting by DIEP NHU – Translating by A.T
