
Da Nang pharmaceutical firms strive to ensure medical supplies under COVID-19 impacts

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 08, 2021, 08:35 [GMT+7]

Like those active in other production aspects, pharmaceutical enterprises based in Da Nang are being seriously affected by the current COVID-19 wave. However, as suppliers of essential medicine for use in medical examination and treatment activities, many businesses have made great efforts to overcome difficulties facing them in a bid to join hands with the city to fight against the virus resurgence.

Hand sanitizer solution is always provided free of charge by the Family Da Nang Hospital right at the medical declaration desk to patients coming here for medical examinations. Photo: D.H.L
Hand sanitizer solution is always provided free of charge by the Family Da Nang Hospital right at the medical declaration desk to patients coming here for medical examinations. Photo: D.H.L

Adapting to the actual situation

While many other businesses had to suspend their operations and lay off employees, plus trade barriers making it difficult to import raw materials and export products to the European market, the Danapha Pharmaceutical JSC has stayed strong on its feet to effectively adapt itself to the actual situation, with the objectives of reaching its production targets as initially expected, and promptly meet the growing market demand.

Typically, the company has increased the number of new recruits by 30% as compared to the same period last year, risen working hours during peak periods, and made the purchase of a more modern and specialised machinery system to manufacture items exclusively for export to Russia.

“During the complicated developments of COVID-19, the company boldly invested in the production of Zodalan- injection solution (Midazolam - 5mg/ml). This is a type of drug on the list of consumable medical supplies and essential drugs of the COVID-19 treatment areas as stipulated by the Ministry of Health.

Besides witnessing positive signs in its production and business activities, Danapha has showed a high sense of responsibility towards the community with an average annual contribution of nearly VND500 million to social activities.

Also, this pharmaceutical firm donated COVID-19 prevention and control products for Da Nang and Russia, and made a contribution of VND 100 million to the COVID-19 prevention fund through the Da Nang Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front.

Another bright example, the Da Nang Pharmaceutical - Medical Equipment JSC (Dapharco), has also still maintained production and operation as normal, regardless of the adverse impacts of COVID-19.

Currently, the company runs a factory in Binh Thai 2 area based in Cam Le District with a focus on producing antiseptic solutions, cotton swabs, gauzes, alcohol for use in pandemic prevention and control.

On average, Dapharco produces about 3 billion goods a month for the supply to hospitals in Da Nang and elsewhere in Central Viet Nam and Central Highlands regions.

The company also donated protective clothing, face masks, alcohol, antiseptic solutions worth VND200 million to medical and quarantine sites across the city, and presented VND100 million worth of support to the COVID-19 vaccine fund.

Priority given to sourcing vaccines

In order to meet the requirements of COVID-19 prevention and control in the time ahead, Mr. Nguyen Cong Lam also said that Dapharco's current priority is given to sourcing vaccines against the deadly virus.
Dapharco is one of the total 36 national government-approved enterprises across the country to be eligible to import COVID-19 vaccines. The company, therefore, is trying to negotiate with foreign vaccine suppliers and then seek permissions from the Ministry of Health on distributions.

Meanwhile, the Da Nang Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has received the third batch of 22,400 AstraZeneca doses from the Nha Trang Pasteur Institute according to Decision No. 2499/QD-BYT dated May 20, 2021 of the Ministry of Health.

Accordingly, 19,000 doses have already distributed to CDC Da Nang, whilst 1,500 doses set aside for the Hospital C, 100 doses for use by the Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy and 1,800 doses for the city-based army and police forces.

Reporting by DOAN HAO LUONG- Translating by A.T
