
Da Nang speeds up development of digital economy

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 15, 2021, 17:28 [GMT+7]

The Resolution adopted at the 22nd Da Nang Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term sets the goal of pioneering in turning the city into an innovative startup city and a major socio-economic hub in Viet Nam in the near future.

Digital transformation is one of the top tasks and is on track to be realised in life, creating the development of digital government, digital economy and digital society in the city.

In fact, Da Nang has laid the foundation for digital transformation since 2014 and has achieved many encouraging results. With advice from experts from IBM in the U.S., in 2014, the city approved the development of a project to build Da Nang into a smart city as a basis for local agencies to partner with information technology domestic and international businesses to pilot the deployment of smart applications.

In 2018, the master infrastructure framework for the smart city building project was developed, with a focus on implementing the IT application into 16 priority aspects under six key pillars, namely smart governance, economy, environment, mobility, living, people, with each being important in its own way.

In late 2018, the municipal government gave the green light to the implementation of the ‘Building a Smart City’ project for the 2018 - 2025 period, with a vision towards 2030.

Under the project, the objectives, the roadmap and technologies applied in 53 key programmes and projects worth 2,200 billion VND in total, have been outlined by the municipal authorities

Noticeably, Da Nang has secured its leading position for 12 years in a row in the Viet Nam ICT Index, the rankings on the readiness for information and communications technology (ICT) development and applications. Also outstandingly, Da Nang was honoured with the Viet Nam Smart City Award 2020, and picked up three other prizes in the categories of smart public services, smart digital infrastructure, and the best cities for startups and innovation. These fruitful results showcase Da Nang’s great long-lasting efforts in creating a premise to elevate its comprehensive digital transformation process.

The advantage for the city when implementing digital transformation is to inherit the basic experiences and achievements from 10 years of implementing e-government and 2 years of deploying the smart city building project, plus its strongly growing IT industry. Telecommunications and IT infrastructure has been synchronously developed, using advanced technologies meeting both domestic and international standards.

Da Nang dwellers have initially formed the habit of accessing online services. On average, there are 2 digital technology enterprises per 1,000 people.

Nearly 92% of the total households have accessed to broadband internet services, whilst more than 91% of the city’s population have used smart mobile phones.

The city focuses on three major pillars for the local digital transformation process, namely digital government, digital economy and digital society.

It is a new push for the city that the Da Nang Party Committee has already issued Resolution No. 05-NQ/TU dated June 17, 2021 on promoting digital transformation in Da Nang until 2025, with a vision to 2030.

The Resolution stipulates the main goals of digital government development. By 2025, Da Nang will be listed in the top 3 Vietnamese localities in terms of digital transformation, information security and e-commerce.

In particular, as for digital government, 100% of the total online public administrative services will be offered at level 4. Meanwhile, 60% of the non-business services at levels 3, 4 will be provided on multiple platforms and supported on mobile device. 100% of the State agencies will participate in providing open data.

The digital economy will account for at least 20% of the city's gross regional domestic product (GRDP).

The proportion of the digital economy in each industry or aspect shall reach at least 10%. The annual labour productivity will increase by at least 7%.

There will be 1,000 open and public data sets accessible to organisations, citizens and businesses for use and recreation of new products.

There will be 3 digital technology enterprises/1,000 people, with at least 5 firms generating an annual revenue of over VND1,000 billion.

By 2030, Da Nang will basically complete digital transformation, turn itself into a smart city, become one of the 3 leading Vietnamese localities in digital transformation and pioneer in information security and e-commerce.

The digital economy will account for at least 30% of the city's GRDP. The proportion of the digital economy in each industry or aspect shall reach at least 20%.

There will be 5,000 open and public data sets accessible to organisations, citizens and businesses for use and recreation of new products.

There will be 5 digital technology enterprises/1,000 people, with at least 10 firms generating an annual revenue of over VND1,000 billion.

As for developing digital society, by 2030, 95% of the local people and businesses will be equipped with digital skills and codes of conduct in the digital environment and they can participate in learning, labour, production and lifestyle activities in the internet.

Besides, 80% of the households and 100% of the businesses will have e-commerce transaction accounts, non-cash payment in e-commerce. 100% of the city's residential areas will access 5G services.

Reporting by TRIEU TUNG- Translating by A.T
