
Businesses in Da Nang IPs adopt thorough prevention measures at work

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 14, 2021, 12:02 [GMT+7]

Most of businesses operating in industrial parks (IPs) across Da Nang are taking all necessary measures to ensure their employee safety and the continuity of their production. All of them are raising COVID-19 alert level to highest after positive cases were detected in the Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Company located in the Hoa Cam IP, Cam Le District.

All companies in local IPs are giving high priority to adopting strictest measures to control COVID-19 while ensuring the continuity of their production and maintaining delivery guarantees. Photo: PHAM DANG KHIEM
All companies in local IPs are giving high priority to adopting strictest measures to control COVID-19 while ensuring the continuity of their production and maintaining delivery guarantees. Photo: PHAM DANG KHIEM

Ramping up COVID-19 testing and quarantine efforts for cases and their contacts

The Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Company with 2,400 employees has closed for 7 days to undertake a deep clean and disinfection to prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. The closure came after 5 people in this company had tested positive for the virus on August 11. All primary close contacts have been put under quarantine in designated facilities while the secondary close contacts are self-isolating at home under close monitoring of healthcare workers. During the closure, the company will work with the health agency to offer COVID-19 tests for its remaining employees for three times.

Mr. Nguyen Vu Khoa Nguyen, Personnel Manager at the Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Company said: “We have fully complied with the advice and guidance on infection prevention and control from the Da Nang government and health bodies. The company has always ensured no disruption to its operations and timely deliveries for its customers in Japan even though a positive case was identified in early July. Positive results have been mainly attributed to great efforts of the company and active support from local authorities. We hope that the COVID-19 outbreak will be brought under control in Da Nang as soon as possible in order to help everything get back to normal and workers return to work".

According to a representative of the Human Resources Department of the Martrix Vietnam Co., Ltd in Hoa Cam IP, 4 primary close contacts of COVID-19 cases identified in Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Company have been placed in managed isolation while the secondary close contacts have been laid off and are self-isolating at home. The remaining employees of the company have got tested for COVID-19, and they are waiting for their test results. In addition, deep cleaning and disinfecting for COVID-19 have been carried out within the company.

The Hoa Cam IP Authority has worked with the local health agency and Cam Le District authorities to quickly identify, test and isolate all COVID-19 contacts on August 10 and 11 after positive cases had been detected in the Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Company.

In addition to ramping up tracing, testing and isolating efforts for active cases and their contacts, the Hoa Cam IP Authority is paying special attention to strictly follow the guidance on vaccinating workers in IPs from the Authority of the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Parks.

Picture was taken at the Apple Film Co., Ltd located in Hoa Cam IP, Cam Le District. Photo: KHANH HOA
Picture was taken at the Apple Film Co., Ltd located in Hoa Cam IP, Cam Le District. Photo: KHANH HOA

Stay-at-work solution applied in businesses

Currently, Tho Quang Fisheries Service and An Don IPs are included in strict local lockdown areas in Son Tra District. Some businesses in the two IPs are operating in a moderate manner to ensure on time delivery of their orders.  All companies operating in the local lockdown areas are adopting the stay-at-work solution with proper precautions in place.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Cuong, the Director of Da Nang Industrial Park Infrastructure Development and Exploitation Company which is the Authority of the Tho Quang Fishery Service Industrial Park and Hoa Khanh Industrial Park, said that as of August 12, five out of six seafood companies had operated at 30%-50% capacity. Meanwhile, companies operating in Hoa Khanh IP in Lien Chieu District are also applying the stay-at-work solution in addition putting in place thorough prevention measures at work.

Mr. Nguyen Chi Truc, the Director of Vinatex International Joint Stock Company - Da Nang Branch located in Hoa Khanh IP said, the company started to adopt the stay-at-work solution on July 17 to provide accommodation for about 400 workers, and a total of 500 workers have stayed at work since late July to take turns working on 3 shifts in a bid to ensure timely deliveries.

Mr. Tran Van Ty, the Deputy Head of the Authoritity of the Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Parks said that all necessary measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the virus in IPs with a focus on conducting COVID-19 testing for all employees in IPs every 3 days in addition to speeding up vaccinations for them. A combined total of 1,500 workers got vaccinated for COVID-19 during the first phase of the city’s mass vaccination program and another 17,000 workers across the city will be immunized in the next phase.

Reporting by KHANH HOA- MAI QUE – Translating by H.L
