
Da Nang targets at least 2% of total annual electricity consumption saved for 2021-2025

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 10, 2021, 10:01 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang People's Committee has released plans on electricity saving from 2021-2025 citywide with the goal of saving at least 2% of the city's total annual electricity consumption in the 5-year period.

Specific annual goals are identified based on various groups of subjects. In detail, the administrative and non-business group sets a target of saving 18.51% and 0.33% of the group and the municipal total commercial electricity consumption, respectively. The group of construction and production activities, including industry, agriculture, forestry and fishery, is expected to make a saving of 1.17% of its commercial electricity consumption, thus contributing to saving 0.44% of the city's total figure.

Similarly, the group of trade, service and tourism will save 7.48% and 0.99% respectively, whilst the group of domestic and residential lighting with 0.35% and 0.13% and the group of public lighting for advertisements, outdoor decorations and traffic lighting with 7.16% and 0.1%.

As per request of the municipal administration, functional local agencies must seriously implement saving electricity solutions and measures in agencies, offices, hospitals and schools, public lighting activities, lighting for advertisements, outdoor decorations, traffic lighting, households, commercial and service establishments and manufacturing enterprises.

Reporting by KHANH HOA – Translating by A.T
