
Quick payment of electricity bills by QR codes

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 29, 2021, 15:48 [GMT+7]

In order to increase convenience for customers and improve user experience through technology, the Da Nang-based Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) under state-run Electricity of Viet Nam has just successfully deployed the QR code application for electricity bills payment, marking another step in its push to promote digital transformation.

With this application, customers only need to scan the QR code available on  electricity bills issued on a monthly basis to make payment without entering the customer code.

Currently, the QR code has been integrated with payoo, momo, vimo, zalopay e-wallets and internet banking services of banks Sacombank, BIDV, Vietcombank.

The QR code payment of electricity bills aims to bring convenience to its customers and apply Industry 4.0 technologies. Paying by QR codes helps save time, avoid account information leaks and limit the use of cash as well as travel and interpersonal contact amid fears over COVID-19.

As of the end of September, the rate of non-cash payments in the whole EVNCPC reached 90.68%, exceeding 3.47% of this year’s plan and increasing up by 3.25% from the same period last year.

EVNCPC is eyeing to reach a target that 95% of the total customers will not use cash by 2025.

Reporting by KHANH HOA - Translating by A. THU
