
Da Nang agencies strive to complete targets and tasks set for 2022

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 10, 2022, 16:12 [GMT+7]

Following recent directions made by the Da Nang government, in 2022, municipal departments and agencies will drastically develop plans and solutions in a bid to fulfill their already-set targets and tasks.

In 2022, the Da Nang transportation industry will focus on accelerating the progress of key and dynamic projects. The upgrading of Ngo Quyen - Ngu Hanh Son route is on track Photo: THANH LAN
In 2022, the Da Nang transportation industry will focus on accelerating the progress of key and dynamic projects. The upgrading of Ngo Quyen - Ngu Hanh Son route is on track Photo: THANH LAN

Deputy Director in charge of Department of Transport Bui Hong Trung: Mobilizing resources to complete key tasks

Since the start of the year, the municipal Department of Transport has focused on implementing important tasks, namely organising the bidding for 5 subsidised intra-city bus routes in Phase 2 (2022 - 2027), implementing solutions to improve the efficiency of bus operations with the target of increasing passenger volume by more than 5% and kicking off the building of the Hoa Nhon logistics centre.

Currently, the Department is integrating the transportation component into the Da Nang Master Plan for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision towards 2050 in tandem with  completing adjustments to the Da Nang International Airport in the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision towards 2050.

Also, the zoning planning and specialized urban transport planning will be completed to serve as a basis for the upgrading of inter provincial and district roads under the development orientations of the city’s western part.

At the same time, the Department will make proposals to the development of Da Nang transport infrastructure according to the Prime Minister-approved adjustments to the Da Nang Master Plan by 2030, with a vision towards 2045, and another one for the city’s major developments by 2030 with an orientation towards 2050 once approved.

Notably, sights will be set on developing logistics services and seaports with the ambitious aim of turning Da Nang into a major marine economic centre of the country in the time ahead.

Another task is to speed up the progress of such landmark projects as the under-construction traffic infrastructure project at the western end of the Tran Thi Ly Bridge, the upgrading of the DT601, Ngo Quyen and Ngu Hanh Son streets, the building of Tuyen Son - Tuy Loan riverside and UD2 routes.

In addition to the smart car parking garages at 255 Phan Chau Trinh (Phase 2) and 166 Hai Phong, more similar ones will be built, especially in the city centre.

Also, a project to build up an intelligent traffic control and monitoring system in Da Nang will be carried out.

All necessary preparations will be made to kick off the construction of the shared infrastructure of the Lien Chieu Port in September, 2022, the relocation of the existing Da Nang Railway Station out of the city center (Phase 1) and the upgrading of the passenger terminal T1 at the Da Nang International Airport, the expansion of National Highway 14B (a section from Tuy Loan village to the city’s boundary with Quang Nam Province and the Hoa Lien - Tuy Loan section as part of the North - South expressway to the east.

* Head of the Authority of Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Zones (DHPIZA) Pham Truong Son

The Authority of Da Nang Hi-Tech Park and Industrial Zones (DHPIZA) will step up investment attraction schemes in an ambitious attempt to reach the target of US$150 million worth of investment capital.

Another task is to accelerate the infrastructure development of the Phase 2 of the Hoa Cam Industrial Zone (IZ) and the Hoa Nhon and Hoa Ninh IZs.

Also noticeably, DHPIZA will make appeals for investement flows from large corporations into new IPs, namely the Phase 2 of the Hoa Cam IZ, and Hoa Nhon and Hoa Ninh IZs and the supporting IZ of the Da Nang Hi-tech Park.

As for some other important tasks, DHPIZA will putt into use Phase 1 of the intelligent monitoring system project of Da Nang Hi-tech Park, deploy the expansion of the IZs and the relocation of enterprises in IZs and complete necessary procedures for upgrading the wastewater treatment station of Hoa Khanh IZ.

In addition, heed will be paid to implementing guidelines and policies for the development of the Da Nang Hi-tech Park and IZs according to Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW of the Politburo on the construction and development of Da Nang by 2030, with a vision towards 2045 and Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW of the Politburo on a number of guidelines and policies on active participation in the fourth industrial revolution.

Reporting by THANH LAN – Translating by A.THU
