
Online bidding compulsory for 100% procurement packages

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 23, 2022, 18:11 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang People's Committee has just directed projects’ investor and management units and municipal agencies to strictly seriously implement compulsory bidding regulations as follow.

They shall conduct the online selection of contractors for all of the bidding packages applying the form of open bidding and competitive offers in the field of non-consulting goods and services.

Also, online bidding must be conducted for all of the packages using State capital for the procurement in order to maintain regular operations of State agencies, political, socio-political, socio-political-professional, socio-professional and social organisations, and people's armed forces and State-owned firms

Likewise, the online selection of eligible tenders for 100% centralized procurement packages must be carried out.

In reality, online bidding has proved to be the most effective tool to ensure that the bidding was competitive, fair, transparent and economical, contributing to the reform of administrative procedures in the process of selecting contractors.

Online bidding not only shortens the time and reduces costs for bid solicitors and tenders, but also prevents swindling.

Reporting by NAM PHUONG – Translating by A.THU
