
Unleashing potential of Da Nang land resources towards sustainable development

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 11, 2022, 11:22 [GMT+7]

Da Nang will continue to solve difficulties and obstacles, fully tap the potential of land resources and increase revenues from land use levy collections in a bid to meet the capital needs forsocio-economic development projects. Along with that, sights will be set on mobilizing resources, promoting the scientific and technological application in agricultural productions towards the goal of ‘sustainable agriculture - prosperous countryside - happy farmers’.

In 2022, Da Nang is focusing on fully tap the potential of land resources to create momentum for its economic development. Here is a scene of the Golden Hills Ecological Urban Area project whose difficulties was effectively solved in 2021. Photo: PV
In 2022, Da Nang is focusing on fully tap the potential of land resources to create momentum for its economic development. Here is a scene of the Golden Hills Ecological Urban Area project whose difficulties was effectively solved in 2021. Photo: PV

These above-mentioned goals are set by Da Nang’s natural resources and the environment, agriculture and rural development sectors in the year ‘Safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of COVID-19 and restoration of socio-economic development’. 

* Director of Department of Natural Resources and the Environment To Van Hung:  Continue to solve problems, unleash potential of land resources

The Land Fund Development Centre under the Da Nang Department of Natural Resources and the Environment is managing 326 large land plots with a total area of more than 202ha.

The Da Nang People's Committee has decided to conduct the auction of land use rights for 6 large land plots and 30 residential land plots in 2022.

The Department has advised the municipal administration on implementing land-related procedures to attract investment flows into such projects as the complex of works serving the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival in My An Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, a complex of financial, commercial, entertainment, casino and high-class apartments along Vo Van Kiet Street, Phuoc My Ward, Son Tra District, especially land plot coded A* at the corner of Vo Van Kiet - Vo Nguyen Giap streets, the Creative Space Project in Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District.

Also, agencies under the direct management of the Department will proactively make a list of projects and land areas that can collect land use levy associated with the collection schedule and specific responsibilities of the related units.

In addition, the Department will take solutions to effectively use the land fund, promote auctions of land use rights for large land plots, develop legal policies related to land, continue to complete a land data digitisation project in the city for the effective use and exploitation.

* Director of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Phu Ban: Restructure production sectors, promoting the application of advanced technologies

In 2022, the Da Nang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will set sights on restructuring the agricultural sector in association with in-depth growth model innovation and multi-value integration, promoting the application of advanced technologies in production and ensuring food safety.

As for the field of agriculture, focus will be placed on setting up hi-tech agricultural zones located in the city’s southwestern part with functions, especially building centers for researching, testing, displaying agricultural products and promoting the transfer of hi-tech cultivation and production methods, associated with the development of organic and specialised agricultural production areas, and eco-tourism tours.

Also, more hi-tech, organic agricultural products, OCOP (‘One Commune - One Product’) items and those serve tourism will be developed.

Phase 1 of the upgrading of the Tho Quang fishing wharf in association with ensuring environmental sanitation here will reach completion in the short time to come.

Meanwhile, the development of logistics services for fisheries, offshore fishing in association with the protection of the Vietnamese sovereignty over seas and islands, the application of high technology and the modernisation of fisheries in order to improve production efficiency and protect aquatic resources will be other important tasks Da Nang shall do for the rest of this year.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP, VAN HOANG – Translating by A.THU
