
Damage caused by typhoon Noru minimised

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 28, 2022, 11:54 [GMT+7]

As of 6:45 am on Wednesday, there were 3 houses whose roofs were blown off, many trees fell down and were uprooted, and there were no deaths due to the influence of typhoon Noru.

Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh reporting at the meeting
Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh reporting at the meeting

Fishermen and fishing vessels anchored at the Tho Quang Fishing Port and Wharf were safe.

Additionally, 173 substations suffered problems, causing power outages for 7,832 customers. Till date, the city’s power sector restored power to 89 substations in service of 2,923 customers, whilst power for the remaining 84 substations are being restored.

A pregnant woman went into labour during a typhoon. Chairman Chinh asked the city’s Military Command to support vehicle to take her to the hospital.

The information was reported by Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh during his emergency meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh, Head of the Steering Committee for Typhoon No. 4 Response.

Free dinners are given to evacuees in Thuan Phuoc Ward. Photo: BAO LAM
Free dinners are given to evacuees in Thuan Phuoc Ward. Photo: BAO LAM

* At 6:00 am on the same day, Chairman Le Trung Chinh directed departments, agencies, branches and localities to take a number of measures to clean up fallen and uprooted trees to ensure traffic safety for road users, as well as carry out damage statistics and post-storm environmental cleanup operations with a focus on responding to heavy rain, especially the high risk of floods and landslides in Hoa Vang District.

Authorities at all levels were urged to encourage local residents not to be subjective and negligent, to repair their houses, to go out during a time when the wind is still strong to avoid unfortunate incidents.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP, CHANH LAM - Translating by M.DUNG
