
IT enterprises take initiative to develop human resources

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 20, 2023, 11:14 [GMT+7]

In addition to proposing highly effective solutions for Da Nang to overcome difficulties in the shortage of human resources, IT businesses have actively implemented measures to develop existing human resources as well as attract more labour force, creating a new move for the company.

IT enterprises strengthen cooperation with universities to improve students' qualifications and skills. Students from the Viet Nam - Korea University of Information and Communication Technology are seen at a practice session. Photo: M.Q
IT enterprises strengthen cooperation with universities to improve students' qualifications and skills. Students from the Viet Nam - Korea University of Information and Communication Technology are seen at a practice session. Photo: M.Q

With the goal of having 10,000 IT engineers and programmers working in Da Nang in 2024, the FPT Software Central Region Co., Ltd. is implementing solutions such as cooperating with university and junior college across Viet Nam to provide high-quality IT human resources, partnering with organisations and job transaction centres to find suitable human resources, opening short-term training courses for non-IT professionals, developing a good recruitment policy to attract talents from other regions, organising foreign language training courses for employees.

Recently, the company inked an agreement with the Da Nang University of Foreign Language Studies in training offering, scientific research, student support, community service and training goals that meet social needs.

Accordingly, the school's students had many opportunities to improve their professional qualifications, practical skills, and interpersonal interaction and work in the dynamic environment of FPT, thereby improving the efficiency of human resource training cooperation between the university and the enterprise.

As reported by Mr. Phan Quang Thieu, the Business Development Director of FPT Software in the Central region, Da Nang is currently one of the three most important human resource centre of FPT Corporation with the number of IT personnel of more than 6,000 people.

In order to reach 10,000 employees as the initially-set target, FPT is focusing on investing in building synchronous facilities such as campuses, IT parks, data storage centres and parks; creating favourable environment for living, studying, working in the FPT urban area in Da Nang to attract new employees.

Opening short-term training courses for non-IT professionals is also a solution implemented by the Da Nang Branch of the Axon Active Viet Nam Co., Ltd. As revealed by Mr. Dang Ngoc Hai, the General Secretary of Da Nang Software Enterprise Association cum the company’s Director, based on a mission that its specific business model is to find and provide a team to work directly with customer partners coming from countries around the world, finding common or high-quality IT human resources is not a small challenge for the company.

To address this problem, the company is launching a 6-month programmer training programme for those without an IT background. Trainees are trained right at Axon Active's office, guided directly by experts in the company. After completing the training programme, they will have the opportunity to work at the company. In addition, the company also regularly cooperates with local universities to support IT human resource training, hereby helping students develop the necessary skills and knowledge.

One of Axon Active's initiatives to develop digital human resources is to coordinate with the Da Nang University of Science and Technology to organise a programmer's day (DevDay) from 2015 to present.

Every year, this event attracts thousands of attendees, through which programmers and technology students Da Nang-wide have the opportunity to approach employers, learn more about job opportunities, get acquainted with new products and experience new technologies.

Enterprises often organise training courses to improve the qualifications of existing staff. Employees of the FPT Software Central Region Co., Ltd. are at work. Photo: M.Q
Enterprises often organise training courses to improve the qualifications of existing staff. Employees of the FPT Software Central Region Co., Ltd. are at work. Photo: M.Q

With the goal of increasing the number of employees by 20 - 30% per year, Enouvo IT Development One Member Co.,Ltd also expands cooperation with universities and training institutions. Ms. Tran Hanh Trang, the company’s Director said, every year Enouvo often has internships from partner schools in fields such as IT, graphic design, UI/UX, marketing, and event organisation.

Enouvo regularly updates the plan of recruiting IT human resources such as programmer positions in accordance with actual situations. Enouvo's biggest goal in 2023 is to accelerate the development of technology and human resources, specifically investing in training and skills development for the existing human resources.

According to Mr. Vy Van Viet, Vice Chairman of the Da Nang Software Business Association, in the past, IT businesses mainly selected a few good and excellent graduates, but they did not really invest in the long term, and this fact led to efficient supply and wasteful use of IT human resources.

Currently, IT businesses are investing in developing resources in an intensive way to improve the quality and productivity of labour. On the side of the Da Nang Software Business Association, in the coming time, it will continue to organise investment promotion, training, seminars with students in the field of IT, consultation with professional agencies in the field of IT and software in order to beef up experience exchanges and cooperation for development, especially in terms of human resources.

Reporting by MAI QUE - Translating by A.THU
