
Must-do's recommended to develop marine economy?

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 25, 2023, 17:46 [GMT+7]

The Viet Nam Academy of Social Science, in collaboration with the Da Nang Department of Science and Technology, the Institute of Social Sciences in the Central region on Wednesday held a seminar entitled ‘Developing marine economy in Viet Nam: Real status and problems”.

Marine economy is an important driving force contributing to Da Nang’s socio-economic development. Here is scene captured at the Tien Sa Port. Photo: V.H
Marine economy is an important driving force contributing to Da Nang’s socio-economic development. Here is scene captured at the Tien Sa Port. Photo: V.H

Speaking at the workshop, Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen affirmed that the marine economy is an important driving force contributing to the municipal/ provincial socio-economic development and that of the whole country, helping to exploit effectively natural resources and create jobs for the labour force, increase income, ensure national defence-security and promote international economic integration.

Da Nang is one of the Vietnamese localities with great potential for marine economic development; 6 out of the 8 districts of the city are adjacent to the sea with more than 92km of coastline and 80% of the population is living in coastal districts.

Over the past time, the city has issued many policies to develop the marine economy in order to develop quickly yet efficiently and sustainably.

However, the development of the marine economy still has many problems such as conflicts of interest between socio-economic and environment, the exploitation of natural resources and the sustainable environmental development, the protection of natural resources and biodiversity, aalong with illegal, undeclared and unregulated fishing.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Quang Binh, a senior lecturer at Faculty of Economics at the Da Nang University of Economics proposed 4 solutions to develop coastal economic zones in the North Central and Central Coast regions.

Firstly, there should be the political determination and development aspirations of local authorities at all levels and the persistent efforts to develop coastal economic zones.

Secondly, mechanisms and policies need to be improved in the direction of upgrading the legal framework for coastal economic zones and the marine economy in general from decrees into laws to ensure the creation of a strong and synchronous legal framework.

At the same time, it is necessary to have specific mechanisms and policies to promote the development of each coastal economic zone, with a focus on sustainable development of a number of dynamic groups and sectors.

Thirdly, it is a need to innovate, adjust and supplement the planning of coastal economic zones in the direction of integration with the national marine spatial planning, the planning of coastal economic zones.

Finally, heed should be paid to ensuring investment resources from the State budget, the community and all economic sectors, especially the private sector to develop marine economy.

According to Director of the Da Nang Department of Science and Technology Le Duc Vien, in order for the marine economy to develop sustainably, it is necessary to meet three criteria and pillars, namely growing local economies; protecting environmental resources and biodiversity; towards human perception and enjoyment.

Of special note, the above-mentioned pillars need to be ensured within the framework of the legal framework as a stable policy. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thi Lan Huong, Head of the Scientific Management Board at the Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences, assessed that Da Nang still has a lot of potential and room for marine economic development.

For instance, it is a good idea to develop Da Nang sea tourism needs a connection with other provinces in Viet Nam and other countries and connect Da Nang sea with such destinations with Con Dao and Phu Quoc.

Above all, Da Nang is a locality that has a set of criteria for assessing marine economic sectors. This is a great advantage to shape and evaluate the development over each year and period; thereby taking advantage of advantages, solving bottlenecks and developing sustainably.

The strategy of sustainable development of the marine economy should be placed in the city’s general socio-economic development strategy. Accordingly, it is necessary to specify each issue such as aquaculture, exploitation and processing of marine products; green - clean sea tourism; logistics logistics; coordination among the government of coastal provinces and national ministries related to green and sustainable development.

According to Ph.D Huynh Huy Hoa, the Director of the Da Nang Institute of Socio-Economic Development Research, the preliminary assessment results on sustainable development of marine economic sectors at the municipal/provincial level showed that the index of Da Nang reached 96.6%. This shows that the targets set by the city in the future can be achieved according to the assessment of experts.

“I hope that the marine economy will become a great driving force for Da Nang's development, especially promoting the potential of economic sectors based on the sea” said Hoa.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by A.THU
