
Orientations for smart city development in hi-tech zones

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 29, 2023, 14:33 [GMT+7]

The Authority of Hoa Lac Hi-tech Park in the capital city of Ha Noi recently coordinated with the authority of Da Nang Hi-tech Park and Industrial Zones to organise a workshop to exchanges orientations and experiences in shaping and developing smart cities in hi-tech parks. Through this exchange event, it was also suggested that the two localities would introduce their tech products in the field of smart city building and consider putting it into application and piloting it in hi-tech parks.

At the workshop, the delegates were informed of the smart city development orientations in Da Nang; models and practical examples in providing IoT (Internet of Things) in smart cities; status and orientations of smart city development in the Da Nang Hi-tech Park.

At the same time, the event proposed a number of solutions and technology applications in smart cities; promoting innovations for building smart cities for high-tech parks.

As reported by the Da Nang Department of Science and Technology, the city has issued 20 documents, mechanisms and policies related to supporting innovation startups; building Da Nang innovation startup support centres; 2 startup centres in universities; 4 startup investment funds; 9 business incubators; 4 creative spaces; 9 co-working spaces with startup clubs at universities and junior colleges plus the innovative startup business community.

Reporting by VIET AN - Translating by A.THU
