
Proposal of VND 673 billion for upgrading March 29 Park

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 16, 2023, 13:40 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang People's Committee has asked the municipal People's Council to consider and approve investment policy decisions for some projects in the city.

A lake in the March 29 Park
A lake in the March 29 Park

Specifically, VND 673,128 billion from the city budget will be asked for the March 29 Park upgrade project. Of the figure, the construction cost is estimated at VND 271.7 billion, the equipment cost at VND 28.8 billion, and the the cost of site clearance at VND 297.3 billion.

The project will feature such items as site clearance and compensation for a 2,989m2 land area; the construction of  a new architectural work "‘A ring of peace’, the entrance to the park on Nguyen Tri Phuong Street and public toilet areas; and the removal of  a number of existing works and roads to renovate, upgrade and refresh the landscape

Also, water supply, drainage, wastewater treatment and lighting systems, and outdoor fitness equipment will be installed, whilst rest areas for visitors will be created.

Besides, the municipal People's Committee proposes to invest VND 70.9 billion from the city budget in a project on building a park west of the Thoai Ngoc Hau Temple.

VND 51.4 billion of which will be used for compensation and site clearance work for 10 existing residential land plots adjacent to the temple. Meanwhile, VND 15.8 billion will be poured into building a cluster of parks, landscapes, gardens, parking lots, public facilities and cultural spaces, as well as design the water surface to simulate Vinh Te Canal recreate the merits of Thoai Ngoc Hau.

Furthermore, VND 87,678 billion in funding will be spent on carrying out a project on building a cultural and sports center combined with a multi-purpose performance house to serve workers and students in the western area of the city in the land of the Culture and Sports Center of Hoa Khanh Nam Ward, Lien Chieu District.

Of which, VND 61.77 billion will be used for the construction of a 5-storey-plus-one-basement multi-purpose cultural and sports building block, a children's playground, and an outdoor gymnasium. VND 7,445 billion will be used for buying and installing equipment.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP - Translating by M.DUNG
