
Startup connection from digital technology

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 19, 2023, 18:17 [GMT+7]

As the two projects awarded the first and second prizes at the startup contest 2023 for women organised by the Hai Chau District People's Committee in June, the e-commerce platform in the field of secondhand clothing and fashion accessories and the RISE HER project have one thing in common of starting a business through digital and e-commerce application platform - a new trend in society.

Many start-up projects by women in Hai Chau District have successfully created jobs for locals, thereby contributing to developing local economies. Photo: PV
Many start-up projects by women in Hai Chau District have successfully created jobs for locals, thereby contributing to developing local economies. Photo: PV

Sharing about her start-up project, Mrs. Ngo Thi Ha Thanh from the Women’s Union organisation in Thach Thang Ward said that as someone who has experience in buying and selling secondhand fashion items, she understands the importance of an e-commerce platform dedicated to these items to provide the most convenient solution for both buyers and sellers.

At the e-commerce floor, anyone can become a seller, as long as there is a need to clean the closet and make economic profit from the resale of old clothes.

During the business process, she realises that customers are in high demand for buying secondhand fashion items. That is also the purpose of her project because the need to liquidate or buy secondhand items has become common in life. And, the application of online business technology has gradually formed clearly in recent years, especially after COVID-19.

According to Mrs. Thanh, in the past, many people were often afraid to buy old things to use. However, at present, this mentality is no longer an obstacle for many people because young people's shopping habits have changed as well as saving in spending is becoming a top priority of people. Products can be resold, rather than just used a few times and then thrown away (users can get up to 50% or even 80% off a resold near new fashion item). This is also a smart way to consume, both saving money and reducing the source of fashion waste discharged into the environment.

She said that her start-up project proves effective in term of society compared to the usual traditional form of transactions.

“What is more important is that the project is community-sharing when creating favourable conditions to support many participants for mutual benefits, not just one individual business. Currently, my project is at the stage of concentrating capital to continue to develop, to meet the maximum requirements of customers between supply and demand" Mrs. Thanh emphasised.

With the advantage of working for many years for a famous multinational technology corporation, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nga from the Women’s Union organisation in Hai Chau 1 Ward boldly stepped into her own path with the establishment of the Digital Transformation Consulting, Training and Deployment Co., Ltd. DX82. Based on the existing foundation, she built a start-up project called RISE HER with the goal of creating jobs, increasing incomes, and improving women's status and gender equality.

In addition, she hopes that the project will also contribute to the creation of highly competitive new products, services and technologies in the business field, thereby connecting domestic and foreign cooperation and investment opportunities.

The highlight of the project is focusing on women, not only reducing the gender gap but also promoting the economic development in the community.

Accordingly, the RISE HER applies simple technology in sales, marketing and customer care to help women easily access and apply in business activities. This will help women confidently start a business and generate income because everything is designed according to the online business model, reducing operating costs and saving time.

Talking about her plan, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nga said that the company's goal is to train about 100 local women each year to master sales, marketing and customer care skills in the digital environment.

Reporting by DIEP NHU - Translating by M.DUNG
