
Da Nang to build a series of new projects

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 01, 2023, 07:11 [GMT+7]

Following close directions from the Da Nang Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee, functional agencies are speeding up investment preparation procedures, and urgently starting construction of new projects as planned.

Perspective of the Quang Da Bridge spanning over the Yen River
Perspective of the Quang Da Bridge spanning over the Yen River

According to the municipal Department of Planning and Investment, Da Nang has recently organised the groundbreaking ceremonies of some projects.

Included are renovating and supplementing equipment at the Da Nang Maternity and Paediatrics Hospital, building a resettlement area for families displaced by the Hoa Ninh Industrial Park project and the coastal route connecting to the soon-to-be-constructed Lien Chieu Port, upgrading and embellishing the 2 September Peace Monument, and renovating and expanding the March 29 Square, upgrading and renovating Ngu Hanh Son District Medical Center, and upgrading and expanding Tho Quang Fishing Port.

Currently, the city is focusing on directing relevant departments and branches to accelerate investment preparatory works as well as start construction of newly approved projects.

According to the municipal Department of Transport, in the last months of the year, the local transport sector is focusing on projects on reinforcing the embankment system along the Hoang Sa - Truong Sa - Vo Nguyen Giap coastal route; solidifying Hoang Sa Street leading to the Son Tra Peninsula; and upgrading inner-city roads in Cam Le District.

In the coming time, the city will concentrate on carrying out projects on a section of the Western Ring Road through the Concentrated Information Technology Park; widening residential roads from 3.5m and 3.75m to 5.5m; upgrading a section of the National Highway 14B that runs through Hoa Vang District; and building the Quang Da Bridge.

Some roads leading to the Son Tra Peninsula are being upgraded, aimed at preventing from landslides during the rainy season. Photo: THANH LAN
Some roads leading to the Son Tra Peninsula are being upgraded, aimed at preventing from landslides during the rainy season. Photo: THANH LAN

The municipal Department of Planning and Investment is asking management boards, investors, contractors, and People's Committees of districts to urgently complete necessary procedures to soon start construction projects, such as upgrading Hoa Vang District General Hospital, Lien Chieu District Medical Centre, and Da Nang College of Culture and Arts; embellishing the Hoa Vang Martyrs' Cemetery; dredging Khe Can sewer line; and building a drainage canal and related structures connecting the Hoa Khanh Industrial Park.

Among them, work will start on 27 projects to celebrate major holidays of the year. Included will be dredging the 25 km-long Co Co River; upgrading the Da Nang Vocational College, the Hoa Tho Tay Ward Administrative Center residential area, Da Nang College of Culture and Arts and Lien Chieu District Medical Center at the second stage; building a wastewater collection pipeline along a section of Chuong Duong Street between its intersections with the Tien Son Bridge and the Ngu Hanh Son Wastewater Treatment Station, and the second facility of the Museum of Cham Sculpture; and expanding the Da Nang Hospital.

 Reporting by THANH LAN - Translating by M.DUNG
