
Ceremony announces establishment of DSAC in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 26, 2024, 12:32 [GMT+7]

A ceremony was held on Friday morning to announce a decision to establish the Danang Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence Center for Research and Training (DSAC).

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung speaking at the ceremony. Photo: HOANG HIEP-THU HA
Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung speaking at the ceremony. Photo: HOANG HIEP-THU HA

Speaking at the ceremony, municipal People’s Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh informed that the announcement ceremony was held in conjunction with a talk show about building companion policies to welcome a new investment wave into the local semiconductor and artificial intelligence (AI) industry.

He added that this  an opportunity for advertising DSAC to many partners, as well as strengthen cooperation to meet the city's requirements set for the local information and communication industry.

Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh giving the decision to establish the Danang Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence Center for Research and Training (DSAC). Photo: HOANG HIEP - THU HA
Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh (L) giving the decision to establish the Danang Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence Center for Research and Training (DSAC). Photo: HOANG HIEP - THU HA

The signing of cooperation agreements between DSAC and two leading corporations in the US and the world in the fields of IC design, semiconductors and AI can be considered an initial result, creating a premise for the center to well perform its assigned functions and tasks.

Chairman Chinh proposed to the municipal Department of Information and Communications to guide DSAC to quickly complete the legal framework regarding to organisational structure, job placement project, personnel apparatus and facilities for DSAC in February 2024.

At the same time, greater efforts should be made to put the Da Nang Software Park No. 2 into operation in the second quarter of 2024; as well as developing technology infrastructure for DSAC; in a bid to meet the requirements for training, retraining, and conducting research about integrated circuit design and AI, he added.

In addition, Mr. Chinh urged the Department of Information and Communications to advise the city on making draft policy mechanisms for promoting the development of the semiconductor and AI field. Included are a project on developing semiconductor chips and microcircuits in the city; municipal People’s Council Resolution on policy mechanisms for training and developing human resources and attracting experts with extensive experience in semiconductor chips and AI to work in Da Nang; and policies to develop the semiconductor and AI industry in the city.

Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh delivering his speech at the ceremony. Photo: HOANG HIEP-THU HA
Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Trung Chinh delivering his speech at the ceremony. Photo: HOANG HIEP-THU HA

The city leader underlined a must-do for the Department to proactively coordinate with Synopsys and Intell Corporations to deploy training programmes for lecturers in the semiconductor and AI industry in 2024 which are considered as a premise to open classes to train high quality human resources in semiconductor and AI industry for the city.

From 2025 onwards, DSAC needs to build a roadmap for boosting cooperation with larger partners in order to organise in-depth training courses in core technology, thereby forming start-ups and spin-off businesses in the semiconductor and AI field.

Chairman Chinh stressed the need for DSAC to promote the role of active support for the city in attracting investment flows from large corporations, gradually creating a synchronous and developed ecosystem of microchips, semiconductors and AI in the city.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung highly appreciated Da Nang for being the first locality in the country to pioneer in the semiconductor industry. He highlighted that the establishment of DSAC was the city’s right direction in developing the industry.

He unveiled that the Ministry of Information and Communications planned to build and develop a network of national semiconductor research, design and manufacturing centers of Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City by 2030. These centers are expected to be put into operation by 2025. Meanwhile, a research and manufacturing center will be put into operation by 2027.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung and Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh presenting flowers to representatives of microchip, semiconductor and AI enterprises which attended the announcement ceremony. Photo: HOANG HIEP - THU HA
Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung (fourth, right) and Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh (third, left) presenting flowers to representatives of microchip, semiconductor and AI enterprises which attended the announcement ceremony. Photo: HOANG HIEP - THU HA

Also at the announcement ceremony, Mr. Le Hoang Phuc, the Deputy Director of the Information Investment Promotion and Support Agency, was appointed Director of DSAC.

The center has a streamlined apparatus including a board of directors and 2 specialised departments: Administrative and Training Department, and the Department of Scientific Research and International Cooperation.

DSAC is tasked with training and fostering in the semiconductor and AI industry; supporting investment attraction in the semiconductor and AI industry; and enhancing linkages and cooperation with domestic and foreign partners to promote research and incubation activities for start-up businesses involving the industry.

During the 2024-2025 period, DSAC will prioritise completing the legal framework on organisational structure, job placement project, personnel apparatus and facilities for DSAC.

Heed will be on proposing a draft development policy mechanism for the semiconductor and AI industry in Da Nang, boosting international cooperation activities, and supporting local businesses.

This afternoon, DSAC will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Synopsys Group on boosting cooperation in IC design training. DSAC and the Intel Corporation will also ink a Memorandum of Understanding on enhancing cooperation in AI training for future human resources.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP, THU HA - Translating by M.DUNG
