
Da Nang aims inclusive tourism products

By Lê Thị Anh Thư / DA NANG Today
August 28, 2024, 13:58 [GMT+7]

Looking at the monthly tourist arrivals data in 2023, it can be seen that the seasonal tourism trend in this livable city is very clear, growing in a “rainbow” shape. Accordingly, the months with slight growth are March, April and May and the highest concentration is in the summer from June, July and August. Meanwhile, during the remaining six months, the number of tourists decreases when the domestic tourism season ends. So what are the causes and solutions to attract international visitors to the city during the low months?

Da Nang has a different beauty in each season. Many tourists choose to visit the city in the rainy season to experience the peace. Photo: DANG MINH TU
Da Nang has a different beauty in each season. Many tourists choose to visit the city in the rainy season to experience the peace. Photo: DANG MINH TU

The average ratio of domestic/international visitors is double, in many months, the number of domestic visitors are 2.3 times higher than the number of international ones. Those who work in tourism in Da Nang also clearly recognise that Da Nang is still the strongest attraction for domestic visitors in many years. International visitors are still an unexploited “gold mine”.

Focus on the characteristics of tourists’ needs

The number of flights connecting countries and territories in the region with Da Nang has increased steadily, and notable among them are still South Korea, Taiwan (China), Malaysia, Thailand. However, in the context of countries still facing difficulties, the aviation industry is still in crisis of aircraft shortage, barriers in each country’s policies have made it impossible to deploy major markets connecting air services with Da Nang such as India, China and Russia. This is also a major objective obstacle for Da Nang tourism when trying to attract international visitors.

Festivals and tourism events, conferences and seminars are one of the tools to effectively stimulate demand and overcome seasonality in the tourism industry. According to a report released by the Da Nang Department of Tourism, in 2023, the city will organise about 20 tourism events, festivals, a large-scale tourism stimulus programme ‘Enjoy Da Nang 2023’. Most festivals focus on the domestic tourist season, especially the summer with many strengths such as beautiful beaches, bright weather and delicious seafood.

In fact, the Golden Week is the golden holiday of the Japanese in September which falls on the ‘lowest’ tourism month of the year, but there are no activities to attract these visitors. Not to mention December, Christmas and New Year also falls on the peak season for European countries to take a winter break, this festival has become popular but there are still not many large-scale themed activities to attract this type of visitor in Da Nang.

In general, tourism events to attract visitors in Da Nang need to focus on the specific characteristics of each nationality, currently most of them are suitable for domestic visitors. Festivals are the most effective stimulus tool, so they should be focused on and invested in during the ‘low’ months. Attracting international tourists to the city during the low months is a way to limit the seasonality of tourism.

People are the main subjects of tourism

M.I.C.E. (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) tourism is also the main segment to attract tourists from major markets. Tourism is a multi-industry field, contributing to the overall economic development of a locality. Da Nang should boldly assign or direct each department, agency and sector to host a national or international event in a year.

From there, every month there will be an industry event taking place in Da Nang, contributing to attracting M.I.C.E. visitors to the locality, enriching the source of visitors, affirming Da Nang as a city of economic, diplomatic, political, sports, cultural and tourism events.

The orientation of developing inclusive tourism products ensures that tourism opportunities will be spread to all people. People will be the main subjects of tourism; tourism benefits will create career opportunities for all people, and this is a factor affirming the sustainability of tourism.

Using big data, a map by the FUSE research group, under the Fulbright University, found that tourism service facilities in Da Nang are only concentrated in the Hai Chau and Son Tra districts. Meanwhile, Hoa Ninh, Hoa Phu or Hoa Lien communes in suburban Hoa Vang District can all be exploited to develop agricultural tourism, community tourism, craft village tourism.

Indigenous values in these localities need to be excavated to become valuable experiential tourism products for tourists. The government continues to further promote policies to encourage investment in these tourism sectors, in order to create business opportunities for startups or people, diversifying tourism products for different sources of visitors, and creating space to develop traditional festivals, exploiting indigenous values in this city, in order to contribute to limiting the seasonality of local tourism.

Once again, the problem of planning tourist routes and building sustainable tourism products for a destination needs to be further exploited and diversified to increase sustainability for a locality.

Reporting by NGUYEN SON THUY - Translating by A.THU
