
Da Nang will create the best conditions for investors to develop semiconductor microchip sector

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 30, 2024, 17:18 [GMT+7]

Da Nang will create the best conditions for investors and businesses to develop semiconductor microchip sector. This is the affirmation made by Da Nang Party Committee Secretary cum Head of the city’s National Assembly Deputies’ Delegation Nguyen Van Quang at the ‘Semicon Da Nang 2024’ event on Friday morning.

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary cum Head of the city’s National Assembly Deputies’ Delegation Nguyen Van Quang delivers a speech at the ‘Semicon Da Nang 2024’ event, August 30, 2024.
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary cum Head of the city’s National Assembly Deputies’ Delegation Nguyen Van Quang delivers a speech at the ‘Semicon Da Nang 2024’ event, August 30, 2024.

Delivering a closing speech at this outstanding event to promote investment in Da Nang’s semiconductor microchips, Secretary Quang said that, since October 2023, the city had resolutely and synchronously implemented many specific steps with the main orientation being to focus on developing human resources in semiconductor microchips and artificial intelligence (AI), focusing on boosting linkages and cooperation with large and reputable domestic and foreign enterprises and partners in order to attract more investment, train human resources and form an ecosystem of microchips, semiconductors and AI in the city.

Over the past 10 months, the Da Nang administration has carried out many meetings, supported appeals for investment in infrastructure and human resource training in semiconductors and AI in a bid to meet the city’s development and businesses’ demand for qualified human resource.

The first-ever ‘Semicon Da Nang 2024’ event marked an important milestone in Da Nang’s development journey. As unanimously chosen by the municipal administration, August 30 every year is ‘Da Nang Semiconductor Day’.

The Da Nang government has been building political and legal foundations to create policies to attract investment and boost cooperation with its partners for the development in the field of semiconductors and AI, following the National Assembly-issued Resolution No. 136/2024/QH15 dated June 26, 2024 on the organisation of urban government and piloting specific mechanisms and policies for Da Nang’s development.

It can be said that Da Nang is the first locality in Viet Nam to be granted special mechanisms to develop the semiconductor microchip sector. Outstanding preferential policies include corporate income tax exemption, personal income tax exemption; financial aid for the development of the semiconductor microchip sector; attracting experts and scientists; supporting the purchase of support equipment for businesses… These outstanding preferential policies are expected to benefit strategic investors and strategic partners in the semiconductor microchip and AI sectors.

With a regard to infrastructure, the city continues to focus on synchronous investment, perfecting the infrastructure system serving the hi-tech industry, semiconductor microchip industry and related fields, putting Da Nang Software Park No. 2 into operation as soon as possible to attract investors and develop new research and development centre.

It is hoped that partners, investors and businesses will further enhance their roles and responsibilities in effectively implementing investment projects, signed cooperation agreements, committing to long-term cooperation with the city, training human resources and committing to technology transfer.

They are also encouraged to actively contribute to the development of policies and human resource training activities in the city’s semiconductor industry, aiming at the goal of sustainable development, creating positive values for people and society, in addition to economic benefits.

Reporting by MAI QUE, QUOC CUONG - Translating by A.THU
