
Enterprises rolls out red carpet for qualified human resources with AI skills

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 10, 2024, 17:37 [GMT+7]

Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the way businesses operate and their strategies. Accordingly, businesses in Da Nang are making every effort to invest in infrastructure and human resources to meet job requirements.

Recruiting and training IT human resources with AI skills is a trend among businesses. Photo: CHIEN THANG
Recruiting and training IT human resources with AI skills is a trend among businesses. Photo: CHIEN THANG

It took Mr. Dinh Nhu Tien in An Khe Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang half a year with nearly 100 interviews to finally successfully applied for a design position job after taking additional courses in AI skills.

Mr. Tien said that his previous failures in job searches were due to his lack of skills and experience, while businesses always want to find candidates with certain qualifications, one of which is AI. After failures in previous interviews, he learned more AI skills to make it easier to find a job and, most importantly, his salary is about 30-50% higher than the industry average.

Similarly, Mr. Le Van Luong, a marketing specialist at WorldCare Viet Nam Co., Ltd., in Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District said that knowledge and ability to use AI at work will help increase promotion opportunities and have more job options. If employees are proficient in AI, it can help they multitask and do many jobs at the same time. “Previously, with a task, it took me from one session to several days to complete, but now it only takes a few hours to complete, and the error rate has also decreased a lot compared to before," Mr. Luong shared.

Many businesses consider training and recruiting human resources with AI skills as a long-term, vital strategy. Mr. Nguyen Trong Tin, the Director of OneMore Media and Technology Joint Stock Company located in Thanh Khe District said that during the difficult global economic period, his company has cut 30% of its staff, many of whom were high-quality workers with long-term experience.

Fortunately, his company still has a young workforce with AI skills that have helped him steer through difficulties. In the coming time, recruiting more experienced and AI-skilled personnel for strategic and important positions will be still the top goal of his company.

Currently, many units specialising in AI training are increasing training and improving skills to meet the requirements of businesses and employers.

According to CEO of AI human resource training platform Avocaedu Nguyen Nam Hai, since the beginning of 2024, his unit has trained hundreds of students, most of whom were employees working at businesses in Da Nang.

He realised that to develop and operate a business in the new era, it was necessary to have a high-quality workforce that was proficient in technology and AI skills. Therefore, the unit is aiming to retrain Vietnamese human resources with the goal of providing 1,000 high-quality AI programmers, ready to meet the growing needs of the IT and AI industries.

According to research, since the start of 2023, the number of job postings for IT personnel and other job groups with keywords related to AI has increased sharply because businesses gradually wanted to apply this field to operations, business and production performances.

Currently, supporting more than 5,000 businesses with more than 100,000 job seekers in Da Nang, Mr. Ta Quoc Khanh, the Director of Jobkey Joint Stock Company, the unit managing the recruitment site vieclamdanang.vn, acknowledged that compared to last year, the job market has improved a lot as the number of visitors and job postings went up. Among them, many businesses showed a great need of human resources proficient in AI skills, especially those recruiting candidates from diverse industries and fields such as economics, society, healthcare and education. This period is the golden time for businesses with AI skills.

Reporting by CHUEN THANG - Translating by A.THU
