
Support given to Da Nang enterprises for tech innovation

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 09, 2024, 17:36 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang People's Council has recently issued Resolution No. 35/2024/NQ-HĐND on 30 July 2024 regarding a support policy for technology innovation within the city.

As for tech transfer, development and research activities, businesses, organisations, and cooperatives can receive a support of up to 30% of the costs for purchasing high-tech equipment, and up to 70% with a technology transfer contract.

Additionally, a maximum support level of 15% of the total cost can be provided for enterprises to purchase technology equipment aimed at enhancing productivity and product quality, reducing production costs, saving energy, and minimising adverse environmental impacts, and a maximum support level of 50% for those with a technology transfer contract.

Regarding support for research costs, up to a 70% maximum will be made available to businesses, organisations, and cooperatives for developing new technology; decoding and incubating technology; designing and manufacturing equipment containing new and advanced technology; improving technology; and innovating production technology processes to enhance productivity and product quality, reduce costs, minimise negative environmental impacts, and save energy.

The financial support for projects does not exceed VND 3 billion per business, cooperative, or organisation in one year, with a maximum of two projects eligible for support.

For activities related to standards, measurements, and quality, there is a support of VND 30 million for businesses, organisations, and cooperatives to establish and evaluate certification of management systems compliant with standards, and VND 35 million when applying two or more advanced management standards or tools simultaneously within the management system.

Furthermore, support of VND 15 million per product is available for businesses, organisations, and cooperatives to conduct evaluations for product certification compliant with standards and regulations.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by TRUC VY
