
Champion of 'GBA Young Innovation Award - 2024'

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 09, 2024, 13:57 [GMT+7]

With the topic ‘Copepods Microbiological Food Processing’, the Copepods group, consisting of students from the universities of Economics and Education, member schools of the University of Da Nang (UD), has been crowned the champion of the ‘GBA Young Innovation Award - 2024’ organised by the German Business Association (GBA) in Viet Nam.

The Copepods group from the UD has just won the ‘GBA Young Innovation Award - 2024’ championship. Photo: H.L
The Copepods group from the UD has just won the ‘GBA Young Innovation Award - 2024’ championship. Photo: H.L

The Copepods group proposed an idea for a business specialising in the production of products from zooplankton as food for shrimp and fish larvae, helping to significantly increase the survival and growth rate of aquatic species.

According to Truong Pham Phu An, a student of class QT23, International Training Centre of the University of Economics, Head of the Copepods group, with a business idea related to processing and consuming copepods that  are small crustaceans that have tubular, segmented bodies and segmented appendages used for swimming and feeding, the group spent 3 months researching and working continuously to perfect the production and business model, analyze the market, make financial plans as well as present the idea to the judges.

Copepods - a natural food source for shrimp and fish larvae - are becoming the new industrial standard of the European aquaculture industry. Here, copepods are considered an important link in the food chain of shrimp and fish larvae due to their high nutritional value.

Copepods contain many amino and fatty acids, suitable for the growth and development of aquatic organisms. In addition, the protein, digestive enzyme and vitamin content in copecods is relatively high, providing a necessary source of nutrition that no industrial feed can replace in the pond.

Not to mention, this copepod also contributes to enhancing the oxidation process, reducing toxic gases and the growth of algae at the bottom of the pond, thereby helping to balance the ecosystem in the pond.

During the research process, the research group found that copepods are found in most saltwater and freshwater environments. They are very small in size, from 0.2-2mm, living on zooplankton, algae and organic debris. With outstanding advantages in nutritional value and the ability to improve the aquaculture environment, the student group focused on researching and developing a process for processing animal feed from copepods to optimise their use value.

Team leader Truong Pham Phu An said that the applied processing technology preserves the nutritional value of copepods, while ensuring stability and ease of use for aquaculture farms.

According to Copepods' next plan, the product will be processed into powder or pellet form, suitable for modern feeding methods. The main steps in the processing process include harvesting copepods from clean water environments, then processing and preserving them using cold or drying technology, and finally packaging the product with the highest quality standards.

“We believe that products processed from copepods not only meet the high nutritional needs of shrimp and fish larvae but also help reduce environmental problems in aquaculture ponds, contributing to creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly aquaculture industry,” An shared.

According to the members, winning the championship at the ‘GBA Young Innovation Award-2024’ opens up opportunities for the project to develop and expand in the future. Vo Duc Vinh, a student of the Faculty of Biology - Environment, the University of Education, a member of the Copepods group, said that the success of Copepods has helped members become more confident in their research, innovation and search for products that are beneficial to the aquaculture industry.

According to Vinh, after the competition, the Copepods group will continue to connect with investors and strategic partners to effectively implement this project.

To become the champion of the ‘GBA Young Innovation Award – 2024’, the Copepods group went through three rounds of competition including presenting ideas (solutions, business models, marketing, competitive advantages, financial needs, target customers), video presentations and finally sharing information and ideas directly with the judges at the final night. The products were presented by the group in English.

At the final night held on the evening of August 29 in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Vi Thanh Tuan, member of the GBA Council - Head of the GBA Business Awards project, said that the ‘GBA Young Innovation Award-2024’ demonstrates the German business community’s interest in sustainable innovation activities taken by Vietnamese students. In the long term, this joint activity will help create economic value, jobs as well as open up cooperation opportunities between businesses with the same sustainable development goals.

“We aim to create positive impacts through mentoring and encouraging young talents to innovate. Winning the championship, the Copepods team will receive financial support from the GBA’s CSR fund to realise their business ideas and I believe this is a worthy reward for the research efforts exerted by the student group,” Mr. Tuan affirmed.

Reporting by HUYNH LE - Translating by A.THU, V.DUNG
