
Supporting brand identity for OCOP products

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 07, 2024, 10:10 [GMT+7]

Over two summers of volunteering, students from the University of Economics - the University of Da Nang have assisted farmers in Hoa Vang District in designing nearly 20 brand identity packages for OCOP products and local specialties such as green-skinned pomelos, Phu Tuc fermented wine, Peco Food herbal pork rolls, Ai Lam sticky rice wine, and Quynh Tam cordyceps wine.

The Phu Tuc wine brand identity is presented to the family of Mr. Le Van Nghia by students of the University of Economics. Photo: H.L
The Phu Tuc wine brand identity is presented to the family of Mr. Le Van Nghia by students of the University of Economics. Photo: H.L

Holding the brand identity package for Phu Tuc fermented wine, which includes a logo, label, packaging, business card, brochure, and flyer, Mr. Le Van Nghia, the owner of the Phu Tuc wine making facility in the namesake village, Hoa Phu Commune, Hoa Vang District, shared that after more than 10 years of producing fermented wine, his family had not paid much attention to updating the designs of their clay jars or product flyers.

Each year, Mr. Nghia's facility produces about 4,000 jars of wine, supplying tourist destinations in Hoa Phu and Hoa Bac communes, as well as selling them at cultural, tourism, and agricultural fairs.

Mr. Nghia believes that compared to the old packaging and jar designs, the new brand identity of Phu Tuc fermented wine resembles a "new outfit," making the product more elegant and appealing. All logos, labels, packaging, business cards, brochures, and flyers are designed with a red colour scheme and feature the distinctive patterns of the Co Tu ethnic group.

"With this design, I feel more confident in presenting our product at events promoting the specialties of Hoa Phu in particular and Hoa Vang District in general" Mr. Nghia asserted.

Similarly, after one year of using the brand identity package for Quynh Tam cordyceps wine, the business of the Quynh Tam Cordyceps facility, Cam Toai Dong Village, Hoa Phong Commune has improved.

Mr. Phan Van Hung, the owner, shared that since students from the Faculty of Marketing at the University of Economics helped design the brand identity package, the wine has made a clear mark on the market. This change not only makes the product stand out but also helps build customer trust.

The programme to support producers and businesses in Hoa Vang District in developing brand identities for their products has been implemented by the University of Economics since the summer of 2023.

According to Master Chu My Giang, a lecturer at the Faculty of Marketing who directly oversees this activity, to create an attractive and suitable design, the volunteers engaged with the farmers and producers to understand their product details and quality.

"We worked and discussed with the producers to better understand their needs and desires. Each design was continuously adjusted based on feedback from the locals to ensure the brand identity was not only visually appealing but also genuinely suited to the characteristics and requirements of the product," said Master Chu My Giang.

The initiative to support the development of brand identities for OCOP products will continue in the coming years, aiming to help farmers increase the value of their products while making a positive contribution to the sustainable development of the local farming community.

Mr. Tran Xuan Quynh, Secretary of the University of Economics' Youth Union, affirmed that the success of this project not only enhances the image and value of farmers' products but also demonstrates the effectiveness of the economic students' volunteer programme in meeting the practical needs of the community.

Reporting by HUYNH LE - Translating by TRUC VY
