
Exhibition held about Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos

Published: February 03, 2015

A one-day exhibition on Viet Nam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos was held yesterday at the Da Nang Vocational Training School.

Jointly organised by the school and the Museum of Da Nang, the exhibition was viewed by over 2,000 students from the school during the day.

On display were 20 valuable documents and maps, all of which are regarded as convincing historical and legal evidence to strongly prove Viet Nam’s sovereignty over the 2 archipelagos.

Amongst the exhibits was the “Dai Nam Thong Nhat Toan Do” (the Complete Map of Unified Dai Nam) published in the reign of Emperor Minh Mang in 1834.  The map shows that the Hoang Sa and Van Ly Truong Sa (Ten-thousand-league Long Sandbank) island groups belong to Viet Nam.

A sovereignty stele from the Hoang Sa archipelago, which was erected by French troops in 1938, and Japanese and Chinese maps showing China’s southern-most border as being Hainan Island were also on display at the exhibition.

On the same day, a book reading festival also took place at the school.  The event featured over 500 books of various genres, and included some about the Communist Party of Viet Nam and Uncle Ho.

The event aimed to help the school’s teaching staff and students to learn more about the history of Viet Nam’s sovereignty over its sea and islands and inspire them to love their Fatherland more.

