
2015 National Youth Cycling Tournament on until 29 June

Published: June 24, 2015

The 2015 National Youth Cycling Tournament officially began on Tuesday morning at Da Nang’s East Sea Park, and it will run until 29 June.

Jointly organised by the municipal Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the General Department of Sports and Physical Training under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, this year’s event has 120 participants from across the country.

Female contestants compete in 25km and 30km point races, 15km and 20km individual time trials, 30km and 40km team time trials, and a 500m speed sprint.

Meanwhile, males compete in 30km and 40km point races, 20km and 25km individual time trials, 40km and 50km team time trials, and a 500m speed sprint.
