
5,000 runners in 2015 Color Me Run tomorrow

Published: June 26, 2015

The ‘2015 Color Me Run’, the most colorful running event in Viet Nam, will take place at Da Nang’s Asia Park at 1 Phan Dang Luu Street between 1pm and 8pm tomorrow.

The event, the first of its kind to be held in the city, is expected to attract over 5,000 runners. 

Participants will experience a 5km-long jog, walk or run and be doused from head to toe in different colors at every kilometer point.

This year’s run will take ‘WE’LL BE UNITED’ as its theme to convey a message of enhancing solidarity and harmony in order to bring people closer together, enjoying wonderful moments, sharing happy smiles and spreading colorful energy over Viet Nam.

A similar event was held in Ho Chi Minh City on 11 April, and another will be held in Ha Noi in September.
