
Da Nang International Marathon 2015 to be held on 30 August

Published: July 01, 2015

At a press conference on Tuesday it was announced that the 2015 Da Nang International Marathon (DNIM 2015), the most professional of its kind in Viet Nam, will take place in the city on 30 August.  The competition is expected to attract around 5,000 professional and amateur runners.

The event is being jointly organised by the municipal Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, World Marathon Tours Inc (head office in Houston, Texas, USA), and the Pulse Active company.  It will comprise 3 races: a full marathon (42.195km), a half marathon (21.095km), and a 5km run and walk.

According to the latest figures released on DNIM’s website, as of 30 June as many as 650 foreign runners from 32 countries and territories around the world had already registered for the event.

Runners at last’s year event
Runners at last’s year event

