
Da Nang Barefoot Run 2015 - 2016 on 6 December

Published: November 17, 2015

The Da Nang Barefoot Run 2015 - 2016 will take place at the city’s East Sea Park on 6 December.

The event, the first of its kind to be held in the city, is expected to attract over 5,000 amateur runners of all ages from across the country, plus international visitors to the city.  The race route will be along sections of some of the city’s beaches.

The event will be jointly organised by the municipal Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Management Board of the Son Tra Peninsula, and the city’s Bo Bien Ngoc Media Company.  Its intention is to advertise the beauty of the city’s beaches and to encourage local residents and visitors from both home and abroad to do physical exercises.  The event will also help to create a premise for organising similar large-scale events in the city in the future.
