
Local photographer launches photo book

Published: April 20, 2016

A press conference took place in Da Nang on Tuesday to introduce a photo book, entitled ‘Nhip Thoi Gian’ (Rhythm of Time), created by local photographer Phan Ngoc Hoi. 

 Cover of the photo book (Photo: nxbdanang.vn)
Cover of the photo book (Photo: nxbdanang.vn)

The photo book, which features around 300 of Mr Hoi’s outstanding photos captured in the past 40 years, expresses his great love of the Fatherland, its life, and its people.  Its 4 main topics are: ‘Lich Su Trong Long Toi’ (History in My Heart), ‘Quang Nam-Da Nang Tinh Yeu va Noi Nho’ (Quang Nam-Da Nang - The Love and The Nostalgia), ‘Dat Nuoc Men Yeu’ (The Beloved Country), and ‘Nhin Ra The Gioi’ (Overlooking the World).

At the press conference, Mr Hoi presented some copies of his book to the Da Nang General Science Library.

Also, it was announced that a photo exhibition entitled ‘Nhip Thoi Gian 2’ (Rhythm of Time No 2) will be held in the city from 27 April.  The exhibition will feature 125 outstanding photos by photographer Hoi.
