
Authorities in Son Tra and Ngu Hanh Son districts asked to make their areas more attractive to visitors

Published: June 21, 2016

During his meeting on Monday with the Son Tra District authorities, Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung praised them for their great efforts in providing fascinating street shows of live music and dancing along Tran Hung Dao.  He added that these shows have become an indispensable spiritual food for local residents and visitors.

Vice Chairman Dung stressed the need for the district authorities and the local relevant agencies to enhance the quality and professionalism of this kind of arts performance.  The focus should be on encouraging local young people, youth union members, and those residing along Tran Hung Dao to become more actively involved in these events. 

He also took the opportunity to ask the city’s Department of Culture and Sports to improve the quality of cultural and festive events along the banks of the Han River in order to attract more visitors to the city.

The street shows were held 3 times between March and May along a section of Tran Hung Dao between its intersection with Ly Nam De and Trieu Viet Vuong. 

The municipal People’s Committee recently gave permission for the Ngu Hanh Son District authorities to receive 100 cherry blossom trees which were handed over by a Da Nang representative office in Japan.  The trees will be planted at the Viet Nam-Japan Friendship Exchange House, and in some of the flower gardens across the district, to help the district become even more beautiful and attractive to visitors.    

The district’s authorities were asked to retain the rain trees (Samanea saman) along Su Van Hanh to provide shade.


