
More details about 5th Da Nang International Marathon

Published: March 08, 2017

Following the success of the 4 previous events, the 2017 Da Nang International Marathon (DNIM 2017) will take place at the East Sea Park in Son Tra District on Sunday 6 August.  This will be the second time that Manulife Viet Nam has been the main sponsor.

Runners in a previous competition
Runners in a previous competition

DNIM is the first professional marathon in Viet Nam, and it has been certified by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS).  Thanks to this, the competition has proved very popular and attracted an increasing number of runners, from both home and abroad, over the years. 

Last year saw over 4,500 professional and amateur runners taking part from all around the world.  62% of them were foreigners competing in the 42.195km full marathon and the 21km half-marathon.   

DNIM 2017 will comprise 4 races: a 42km full marathon, a 21km half marathon, a 10km run, and a 5km charity run.  The full marathon will start at 4.30am on 6 August, whilst the half marathon and the 10km run will start at 4.40am and 4.50am respectively.  The 5km charity run will begin at 7.20am.

In addition to the main races, a Family Fun Day will aim to encourage parents to spend more time with their children, whilst the race-kit pick-up event for runners, will be on Saturday 5 August and will include many interesting activities.

Mr Bady Pham, CEO of Pulse Active who are the organiser of DNIM 2017, said, “My company will make every effort to ensure the success of this international event.  Our intention is to uphold the spirit of sport amongst local residents, and promote the development of the local tourism sector.”

He remarked that Pulse Active is one of the professional sports and entertainment organisations in Viet Nam.  In addition to DNIM, the company has also organised the Da Nang Colour Me Run in recent years.
