
Food and drink shops in the city reopen with table service

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 11, 2020, 16:55 [GMT+7]

Food and drink shops across Da Nang are allowed to serve customers indoors with table service.

The changes have taken effect from 0am on September 11, as outlined in Da Nang government's roadmap to relaxing the lockdown restrictions after Covid-19 outbreak has been effectively brought under control in Da Nang.

It coincides with the 2m distancing rule changing to a new 1m recommendation, which will ask people to remain 1m apart where feasible, and take extra precautions such as avoiding face-to-face seating and wearing face coverings.

All restaurants, eateries and food and drink shops are permitted to get back to business as usual with both table and takeaway services. However, their owners are asked to sign commitments with the municipal authorities to strictly obey Covid-19 prevention and control measures, as well as ensure food safety and hygiene.
All restaurants, eateries and food and drink shops are permitted to resume operations with both table and takeaway services. However, their owners are asked to sign commitments with the municipal authorities to ensure good practices of the city government-recommended infection prevention and control measures to protect their staff and customers.
Anyone who get involved in preparing foodstuff and drinks for their guests must wear masks and gloves.
Anyone who get involved in preparing foodstuff and drinks for their customers must wear masks and gloves.
Moreover, coronavirus prevention measures must be kept in place. In particular, seats must be placed one meter apart from each other, while tables and chairs have to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Also, eateries must also prepare sufficient soap and hand sanitiser for their customers and staff members.
Moreover, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the safety for staff and customers. In particular, seats must be placed one meter apart from each other, while tables and chairs have to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Also, eateries must also prepare sufficient soap and hand sanitiser for their staff and customers.
Da Nang’s residents have been allowed to eat and drink out for the first time after more than one month of being banned due to the coronavirus-forced social distancing measures.
People across Da Nang are able to dine out or go for a drink with friends and family
However, ban on public gatherings of more than 30 people remains, except for in offices, schools and hospitals.
However, gatherings of more than 30 people are banned, except for in offices, schools and hospitals.
Festivals, religious and sports tournaments with gathering of more than 30 people will remain banned until further notice. Meanwhile, the operation of such places such bars, beauty salon, discos, cinemas, gyms, karaoke and massage parlors, and discotheques, tourism and travel services, entertainment facilities, recreational activities in hotels and resorts, and casinos, plus and prize-winning electronic games for foreigners, will continue to be suspended.
Festivals, religious and sports tournaments with gatherings of more than 30 people will remain banned until further notice. Meanwhile, such places such bars, beauty salon, discos, cinemas, gyms, karaoke and massage parlors, and discotheques, tourism and travel services, entertainment facilities, recreational activities in hotels and resorts, and casinos, plus and prize-winning electronic games for foreigners, remain closed.

 By PV - Translated by M.D
