
Book festivals to be held in Da Nang from May - August

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 22, 2021, 10:00 [GMT+7]

Da Nang will host a number of book fairs in May, June and August to mark the Viet Nam Book Day 2021 (21 April). These events promise many stalls selling different types of books, along with various fascinating cultural exchange activities for readers.

In detail, the Son Tra Book Festivals will take place at the Ngo Gia Tu Primary School and the Le Do Junior High School in May and June respectively.

In Ngu Hanh Son District, the similar event will be organised at a public park on Chuong Duong Street in August.

Also in August, another one, with 40-50 book stands, will be held at the Hoa Vang Administrative Centre.

By HA THU - Translated by M.D
