
Unique features of soon-to-open Su Van Hanh Library in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 10, 2021, 15:58 [GMT+7]

Nestled in the Quan The Am (Avalokitecvara) Pagoda, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang, Su Van Hanh Library is expected to go into operation over the coming days of this month, highly promising to become a cultural attraction in the renowned Marble Mountains Tourist Area, as well as contributing to promoting local reading culture in the coming time.

A corner of the Su Van Hanh Library is decorated quite beautifully.
A corner of the Su Van Hanh Library is decorated quite beautifully

Named after Van Hanh (938 - 1018), a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk who was well known as the most important teacher, protector, and supporter of Ly Thai To, the first emperor of Ly Dynasty, the library will leave an impression on anyone who comes there

The 300-square-meter bookroom includes neatly-placed bookshelves. In addition to the reading space located in the library, any areas in the temple campus also become venues to read books, including cement pedestals along the pagoda corridors, resting sites built featuring the shape of roofs decorated with many flowers and ornamental plants.

Especially, the front hall of the book gallery is designed into an open space reading open books overlooking the peaceful Co Co River, here allowing readers to sipping tasty tea whilst reading their favourite books.

Along the corridor connecting the library and the Museum of Buddhist Culture is a beautifully- decorated areas where valuable books and documents are stored.

Standing documents and books on display are alternated with antiques related to Buddhist culture such as statues and weapons, all of which were collected by monks of the Quan The Am pagoda and stored for many years.

According to Most Venerable Thich Hue Vinh, the Head of the Quan The Am Pagoda, currently, the Su Van Hanh Library houses a combined total of 35,000 books, half of them are related to Buddhist culture, and the rest cover such many different fields as economics, culture, history and geography, thereby satisfying the diverse needs of readers.

Over the past times, with the State's religious equality policy, a series of Buddhist libraries were born. With the Su Van Hanh Library, readers are encouraged to follow a method of reading in the natural setting.

“The book itself is made from wood and materials available in nature. Therefore, looking towards nature helps people relax and feel comfortable and peaceful in mind. In addition, we create all favourable conditions for readers to experience a full day of staying here, such as organising tea ceremony, serving drinks and free vegetarian meals for them”, Most Venerable Thich Hue Vinh said.

Deputy Director of the Ngu Hanh Son District Culture and Sports Centre Huynh Ba Duong said, there are libraries under the management of his unit, plus some reading spots, book-coffee shops and libraries in primary to secondary schools. Thanks to that, the reading movement in the district has turned active and bustling.

In particular, pupils from primary and junior high schools based in the district have won many high awards at many municipal-level contests on reading culture organised by the Da Nang General Library.

Along with the above-mentioned activities, the establishment of the Van Hanh Library is of great significance in fostering the local reading culture development.

Consisting of the Museum of Buddhist Culture, the Quan The Am Pagoda where the annual large-scale namesake festival takes place, and the Su Van Hanh Library, the renowned Marble Mountains Tourist Area is hopefully to become a unique cultural complex attracting many locals and tourists for interesting reading experiences in a peaceful setting.

By NGOC HA- Translated by A.T
