
193rd death anniversary of General Thoai Ngoc Hau celebrated

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 04, 2022, 18:53 [GMT+7]

A ceremony to celebrate the 193rd death anniversary of the talented Vietnamese General Nguyen Van Thoai, also known as Thoai Ngoc Hau, took place on Monday at the Thoai Ngoc Hau Temple in Da Nang’s Son Tra District on Monday.

Some of the city's leaders are seen attending the celebration
Some of the city's leaders are seen attending the ceremony

Attending the ceremony were Standing Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee cum Chairman of the municipal People's Council Luong Nguyen Minh Triet, Deputy Head of the local National Assembly Deputies’ Delegation Tran Chi Cuong, People's Council Vice Chairwoman Cao Thi Huyen Tran, People's Committee Vice Chairman Le Quang Nam, and some leaders of local departments, and agencies, and localities having establishing twinning relations with Son Tra District.

In his speech at the event, Chairman of Son Tra District People's Committee Hoang Son Tra briefed the attendees on the late General’s great devotion to the cause of homeland construction and defence.

Thoai Ngoc Hau’s real name is Nguyen Van Thoai. He was born on 26 November 1761 in An Hai Village, Dien Ban District, Quang Nam Province (now called An Hai Tay Ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang). He has always been highly praised and respected for his creativeness in reclaiming land, founding villages, and promoting economic development and border protection.

The legendary mandarin was one of the meritorious officials during the reign of Emperor Gia Long of the Nguyen Dynasty.

Da Nang Party Committee Standing Deputy Secretary cum municipal People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet burning incense at the ceremony to commemorate the talented Vietnamese General Thoai Ngoc Hau
Da Nang Party Committee Standing Deputy Secretary cum municipal People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet burning incense at the ceremony to commemorate the talented Vietnamese General Thoai Ngoc Hau

At the age of 16, he and his mother moved to the South. Then, he joined the army under Lord Nguyen Anh, and was awarded the title of Thoai Ngoc Hau. In 1818, he directed militiamen to dig Dong Xuyen Canal in Long Xuyen.

In 1820, following the direction from King Minh Mang, he digged a canal connecting Chau Doc with Ha Tien, bringing great efficiency in the irrigation and border defence work for not only Hau Giang but also the whole country.

Nguyen Van Thoai died on June 6, 1829, and was buried in Chau Doc, An Giang Province.

An Hai villagers honoured Nguyen Van Thoai as the post-sage of the village in order to commemorate his great devotion to their homeland.

Every year, residents of Son Tra District held a ceremony to celebrate his death in order to honour his merits, and arouse the source of national cultural traditions and the pride of the next generations for the ancestors.

On July 3 and 4, the Son Tra District authorities held solemn rituals to commemorate the ancestors and heroes for their great devotion to their homeland.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
