
Bringing art of painting closer to life

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 03, 2022, 11:26 [GMT+7]

Painting is not only a language to convey an artist's ideas, but also helps to enhance memory, promote observation, and nurture imagination through the use of colours and shapes. However, for people with good intentions, painting is also a way for artists to bring human values from volunteer activities, contributing to making life more highly meaningful.

Artist Huynh Cong Thanh (right) gives guidance to young participants in a recent painting experience programme at Art For Arch. Photo: D.H.L
Artist Huynh Cong Thanh (right) gives guidance to young participants in a recent painting experience programme at Art For Arch. Photo: D.H.L

As the main artist and founder of Art For Arch company, Mr. Huynh Cong Thanh said that although he is an architect, he bears a strong passion for painting. Since then, he has pursued his dream of establishing a painting studio to help deaf children, and fortunately, these ideas were supported by Art For Arch Company members in 2019.

Accompanying the deaf

Established 10 years ago, up to now, Art For Arch has 2 galleries at 106 Ly Nhat Quang, Son Tra District and 177 Phan Dang Luu, Hai Chau District,  displaying many genres such as abstract, landscape, cubism and wild animals.. Encouragingly, Thanh's painting studio, which trained and helped many deaf children to become painters.

Thanh said: “At first, I didn't think this was a big deal, but I simply saw deaf children always try to overcome all adversity and dare to live a normal life. They also need to be recognised by society for having real talent. That is the motivation for me to accompany them on this artistic path.”

However, to teach how-to-create-paintings to deaf children is not a piece of cake. Mr. Thanh had to learn sign language by himself so that he could understand the children better and facilitate sharing his knowledge of painting to them in the most effective possible manner. Most of them are self-taught or don't know anything about painting. Vocabularies they learn in special schools also are limited at basic communications.

“When it comes to some technical words, it takes a long time to translate for the deaf but they can't really understand them at all. However, they are very honest, very emotional and eager to learn. Those factors have made it easier for me to be closer to them. They may not be able to hear or speak but they have strong eyes and sixth sense, and that’s reason why they can overcome language difficulties and are always ready to listen and learn more," explained Mr. Thanh.

After more than 4 years of care and help from Mr. Thanh in particular and Art For Arch Company as a whole, some deaf children, from knowing nothing about painting are now able to confidently create paintings by themselves. Many children are more confident with their own works and the quality is not inferior to those created by well-trained people. They already know how to create new works and express their ideas. The language restriction has also been significantly improved so the children are always more confident in life.

When deaf children are trained to become artists, the company also helps them to sell their paintings as well as support them to attend domestic and foreign art exhibitions. Typically, in the past time, the company also supported a deaf artist to attend the International Art Exhibition in South Korea.

In addition, the studio also organises painting experience activities on weekends. Ms. Vo Thi Nhan, in charge of Marketing Sales of the Art For Arch company, said: “Each person who comes here will receive lots of enthusiastic guidance of artist Huynh Cong Thanh to can perfect their artworks. In order for the paintings to reach the public, especially art lovers, the company regularly introduces paintings by deaf artists in particular and the gallery at large on its website and social networks. Many hotels, resorts and tourists have place orders of their paintings”.

Bringing painting into psychological "treatment"

Being trained and grown up from the studio of Art For Arch company, deaf painter Do Thi Nguyen Chanh shared: “After a while in the apprenticeship workshop, I feel that art has really helped me and my deaf peers can see themselves and their talents more clearly. Although being limited in communication, through painting brushes, I can convey many emotions and feelings through which life is no longer boring. Now, colour is my language and will guide the emotions in my artworks.”

Like many other deaf children when coming here, Do Thi Nguyen Chanh not only learns painting skills but also gains more knowledge about the art of painting inside and outside the country through books as well as famous artworks to make better strides. “For me, do a job I love much is a blessing. Knowledge is boundless, so in the future, I hope to draw my dreams and spread my love of art to deaf people so that everyone can draw their own dreams.”, Chanh expressed.

In the coming time, in order to spread the love of painting to more deaf children, artist Thanh wishes to teach drawing skills to more deaf children. This is also something that Mr. Thanh cherished much when he set up his studio because there are still many talented children who have not had the opportunity to approach this highly popular type of art. Currently, some hospitals have also put the colours of paintings into the treatment of psychotherapy for children with autism.

According to Mr. Thanh, besides the value of art, colours in paintings also have a great effect in psychological therapy, helping people to convey their sorrows, contents and life pressures.

“With the future development orientations for the sake of the community, Art For Arch also sets more further goals in applying the art of painting into supporting people, especially children or even adults who face high pressures of life that gradually make them autistic. That’s is a good thereby helping them find peace of mind by painting experience programmes or art exhibitions ”, Thanh affirmed.

Reporting by DOAN HAO LUONG - Translating by A.THU
