
Photo exhibition entilted 'APEC Da Nang Park - New destination' to be held from Nov. 5-20

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 20, 2022, 11:25 [GMT+7]

Hai Chau District authoritites have issued a plan to organize a photo exhibition entitiled ‘APEC Da Nang Park - New Destination’ to promote the APEC Park, and Hai Chau and Da Nang as a whole, as an attractive place for local people and tourists.

The exhibition is scheduled to take place at the APEC Sculpture Park from November 5 to 20.

On display at the upcoming exhibition will be 100 photos by members of the Da Nang Association of Art Photographers. The displayed photos feature the landscapes and people of Hai Chau, the APEC Sculpture Park, bridges, beautiful tourist attractions in Hai Chau District, and the city as a whole.

Paticipating photos can be emailed to Nhiepanhdn@gmail.com from now until late October.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG – Translating by H.L
